Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

Benefits of Guava

Guava is a tropical fruit that is rich in nutrients. The fruit that comes from South America has the scientific name Psidium guajava. Guava has a sweet taste, tempting aroma and refreshing make this fruit much liked by us especially guava seeds.

Red guava has many many nutrients that are beneficial to health. The content of Vitamin C, A, B complex, fiber and many other minerals needed by the body. Here are tips on health benefits of guava seeds for health.

1. Guava is low in calories and fat but contains essential vitamins such as, mineral, and antioxidant poly-phenolic compounds and flavonoids play an important role in cancer prevention, anti-aging, and increase endurance.

2. The fruit is very rich source of soluble fiber (5.4 g per 100 g of fruit, about 14% of the DRA), which is good for improving digestion. Fiber helps to protect the intestinal mucous membrane by reducing the adverse effects of toxins and cancer-causing chemicals binding in the colon.

3. Guava is a source of antioxidants and vitamin C, providing more than three times the daily intake requirement. Skin Foreign guava contain high vitamin C than the tengahnnya.

4. Guava is rich in astringents are alkaline and have benefits as a disinfectant and anti-bacterial properties, thus help cure diarrhea or dysentery caused by microbial growth. Further, other nutrients in guava, such as vitamin C, carotenoids and potassium strengthens and rejuvenates the digestive system.

5. Vitamin B on guava health plays an important role in brain function. Guava is rich in vitamin B3 and B6. Vitamin B3, also known as niacin which serves to stimulate brain function and improve blood flow, and vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is an important nutrient for brain and nerve function.

6. Scientific studies show that consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C helps the body regularly become stronger against infections, and cancer-causing free radicals that are harmful to the body.

7. Guava fruit is a source of Vitamin-A and flavonoids like beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and cryptoxanthin. The compound is known to have antioxidant properties and are essential for health. Vitamin A is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and the skin. Consumption of natural fruits rich in carotenes known to protect the lung and oral cavity cancers.

8. Studies show that lycopene in guava young can prevent skin damage from the effects of UV rays and provides protection from prostate cancer.

9. Fresh Guava is very rich in potassium, even more than bananas per 100 g of fruit weight. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure.

10. Guava is also a source of B-complex vitamins such as pantothenic acid, niacin, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin E, and K, and minerals like magnesium, copper, and manganese. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells.

11. Although there are no definitive studies on the benefits of guava seeds to treat dengue fever (DHF), but many believe the red guava can increase blood platelets penderitan dengue. vitamins and minerals are high on red guava can help speed up the process penyembuahn on oarang ya pain without causing side effects.

Very many benefits of red guava fruit for health, as well as readily available everywhere and of course the price is cheap.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Joint Pain Medication

  Here are some lists of natural medicine which is used to cure joint pain.

1. Cod liver oil, omega-3 acids contained in cod liver oil has benefits to reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritis.

2. Bath of warm water and salt, it will help to increase blood flow and help relieve joint pain.

3. Bananas good for joint pain because it helps in lubricating the joints and is rich in potassium and vitamin B6, which can reduce pain

4. Garlic, garlic's active ingredients are sulfur compounds that not only inhibit joint inflammation but also stimulates the synthesis of a protein called collagen.

5. Honey is known strongly to fight inflammation in the body, can handle the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis

6. Cinnamon is known for its ability to inhibit inflammation in the body to eliminate free radicals and toxins that accumulate in and around the joints and relieve pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints.

7. Make a habit of eating nutritious foods that contain omega-3 and vitamins and enough drinking water
If excess weight is better for losing weight that joints do not accept loads that are too heavy.

Check and konsulatasi medicine to gain certainty about the disease you are suffering.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Benefits of Purple Sweet Potato

Purple sweet potato is usually regarded as a plebeian or rustic food. Although the food is rustic and countrified many health benefits that can be gained from this sweet, even very far from today's modern food (fast food).

Purple sweet potato contains lysine, Cu, Mg, K, Zn average of 20%. He is also a good source of carbohydrates and other calories high enough. Coupled with a good source of vitamins and minerals, vitamins contained in sweet potatoes, including vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamin (vitamin B1) and riboflavin. While the sweet potatoes minerals such as iron (Fe), phosphorus (P), and calcium (Ca).

Other ingredients are protein, fat, crude fiber and ash. Total content of purple pigments (anthocyanins) varies at each plant and ranged from 20 mg/100 g and 600 mg/100 g fresh weight. Total anthocyanin content of purple sweet potato is 519 mg/100 g fresh weight.

The following are some of the health benefits of purple sweet potato:

1. anthocyanin in purple sweet potato is useful as an antioxidant that can absorb air pollution, oxidation in the body and inhibits blood clotting so the health of the blood flow more smoothly.

2. content of beta-carotene, vitamin E and C are useful as antioxidants and cancer preventing various cardiovascular diseases.

3. fiber and pectin in sweet purple very well to prevent digestive disorders such as hemorrhoids, constipation to colon cancer.

4. purple sweet potato anthocyanins also have physiological functions eg antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial, protection against liver damage, heart disease and stroke.

5. active ingredient selenium and iodine twenty higher than other sweet potatoes, purple sweet potato that can be anti-cancer.

6. purple sweet potatoes have antioxidant and antibacterial activity of 2.5 and 3.2 times higher than that of the several varieties of "blueberry"

7. but it can serve as a source kabohidrat for the body and as a natural food coloring.

Still looking purple sweet potato as a food rustic and countrified ..? seen from the many health benefits that result from purple sweet potato, there is no harm in it as well as we try to sweet tastes good. One thing to remember too much consumption of cassava may cause us frequent flatulence

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Benefits of Garlic

Garlic has long been known as a natural substance that has many health benefits. Although most people do not smell like garlic apparently has many health benefits. It is also why many people do not like taking it.

Garlic contains the amino acid constituents of healthy and allicin, an amino acid derivative is beneficial for health. Garlic itself contains minerals zinc, germanium, selenium, iron and magnesium, Vit A and C as well as sulfur compounds that are useful for binding to metals and poison hearts removed.

Here health articles for health benefits of garlic.

1. Heart Health

Nutrition and diet experts believe garlic can reduce levels of homocysteine ​​(an amino acid) in the blood for heart health. Garlic can also reduce the harmful buildup of plaque on artery walls.

2. Blood Health

- Research shows that garlic can increase blood circulation by increasing the levels of hydrogen sulfide in the blood.
- Sulfur compounds in garlic reduce levels of fat in the blood, helping to regulate blood pressure and help the symptoms of hypertension.
- Sulfur compounds in garlic, ajoene especially to avoid clotting.
- Garlic is often used as a blood thinner to boost circulation and prevent blood clots.

3. The immune system

Garlic stimulates the activity of white blood cells that fight infection and disease. Garlic can increase the liver against free radicals.

4. Blood Sugar

Studies show that garlic has the ability to boost insulin levels in the blood and stabilize blood sugar.

5. Antioxidants

Antioxidants in garlic protects cells from free radicals and inhibit the growth of cancer.

6. Cholesterol

Garlic has an important role in lowering blood cholesterol levels.

7. Sex

Garlic komom able to keep the levels of testosterone in men and can increase libido in men and women.

In addition to the many benefits of garlic, it should be noted side effects. Garlic is a natural blood thinner and inhibits blood clotting, so for emreka who have blood disorders, should consult with your doctor before mngkonsumsi garlic.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Overcoming Natural Medicines Ulcer

Ulcer disease is a disease caused by excess acid in the stomach that causes irritation / sores in the mucous membranes of the stomach. Acid in the stomach is needed to help grind and digest the food we eat. But if the production of excess acid in the stomach so it causes ulcer disease. Ulcer disease can be caused by our unhealthy lifestyles and irregular as irregular eating, the food was too spicy and oily, smoke, drink coffee / alcohol, stress and even be one of the factors causing ulcers.

Ulcer disease affects many people have high activity, so their lifestyle and irregular eating. Ulcer disease can be known from the characteristics stomach bloating, nausea to vomiting, midriff pain, frequent belching, quickly feel full and hungry.

There are some natural ingredients / herbs that can be used to cure ulcers. In addition to getting natural materials are also free from chemicals that can increase the emergence of new diseases caused by the use of chemicals. Here's Health Tips Natural Medicines Ulcer Disease.

1. Turmeric

Turmeric for ulcer drug, including the most well known natural remedy for treating the ulcer disease. curcumin and curcuminoids (active ingredient of turmeric) as well as essential oils shown to have antioxidant effects, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anticancer so either consumed as a cure for ulcers and other health problems.
Usage: Take 2 segment turmeric, peeled, cleaned and grated turmeric, add lukewarm water and squeeze to take out the juice. Drink twice a day, in the morning before eating and at night before bed.

2. Aloe vera

Aloe vera to ulcer drug, content aloin, aloin-emodin, resins, tannins, and polysaccharides in aloe vera good for treating stomach ulcers. Other active substances identified as Aloctin Aloctin A and B. Aloctin A inhibits secretion of gastric acid and pepsin when given intravenously in mice. Another potent ingredient is Aloin and Anthraquinone that can increase the production of prostaglandins. In addition, aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera gel contains bradykinase, which is a source of inflammation enzyme breaker, Bradykinin.
Usage: Peel the skin and aloe vera to clean the mucus is reduced, Boil until cooked (boiling water). Serve by adding honey to lessen the sense of bitterness or juice can also be used to add honey.

3. Plantain

Plantain for ulcer drug, on plantain contained substances that are antitukak ulcer, a high content of pectin in bananas may protect against the effects of gastric mucous membrane of stomach acid.
pengggunaan: select bananas that are old and not yet mature, dry banana by banana peel. cut into small pieces as a way of dried chips (not directly under mathari, aerated enough), after dry powder can make mashed or blender. Take two tablespoons of banana powder, mix with honey, consumption twice a day morning and evening.

4. Green beans

Green beans for heartburn, the content of the green bean can create a thick layer of the stomach and reduce acid levels in labung reduced, which usually causes the Disease ulcer in too banyakknya acid content of the stomach.
use: Clean the green beans, dried by sun-dried, roasted green beans until cooked and then mashed until smooth, Take a Sendak eat green bean powder and mix with warm water, drink three times a day.

5. Goat Milk

Goat's milk for heartburn drugs, drink 200 ml goat milk regularly or when heartburn strikes. Goat's milk is alkaline so as to neutralize excess stomach acid.

That's Health article about a natural remedy for heartburn. Unruk Pregnant women are advised to consume no more than because it can result in less good for the fetus and should consult first with your medical doctor.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

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