Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

Scientists Who Converted to Islam After Doing Research

1. Jacques Yves Costeau, in the deepest oceans found Islam

 Mr Jacques Yves Oceanografer Costeau is an expert and leading diving experts from France who was born on June 11, 1910. Throughout his life he spent time with a dive to the ocean floor in various entire world and make a documentary about the natural beauty of the seabed to be watched by the whole world via the Discovery Channel TV station.

One day while exploring under the sea, suddenly Costeau meet a set of fresh spring-fresh taste so delicious because it is not mixed or fused with the salty sea water around it. So as if there are no walls or membranes that limit both.

Peculiar phenomenon that prompted him to seek out the cause of the separation of fresh water from salt water in the middle of the ocean.

Until one day he met a Muslim professor and told him the strange phenomenon. The professor then remembered the Quranic verse about the convergence of two oceans (the letter Ar-Rahman verses 19-20) is often identified with the Suez Canal.

The verse reads: "He let the two seas, converging together, between them is a barrier which they do not transgress each".

Then recited Surat al-Furqan verse 53: "And He it is who let the two seas (side by side); which is fresh again fresh and the other salty and bitter, and He made between the two walls and boundaries that block."

Terpesonalah Mr Costeau hear Quranic verses that, beyond admiration to see the magic scenery ever seen in the deep sea. Costeau also said that the Koran is the holy book that contains the actual word of God, that all abortion is absolutely true. Before long, Mr. Costeau embraced Islam.

 2. Maurice Bucaille, Islam as the Pharaoh's body

 Prof. Dr. Maurice Bucaille is is celebrated French surgeon and once headed the surgical clinic at the University of Paris. She was born in Pont-L'Eveque, France, on July 19, 1920. The story behind the decision to convert to Islam beginning in 1975.

At that time, the French government offered assistance to the Egyptian government to investigate, study, and analyze the mummy of Pharaoh. Bucaille who was the lead surgeon as well as the primary responsibility in research.

Apparently, the end result he obtained very surprising. The remains of salt attached to the body of the mummy is the biggest proof that he had died by drowning. His body was immediately removed from the ocean and then immediately embalmed to be mummified so durable. But the discovery made Bucaille leaves the question: How did the body can be maintained and better than the bodies of the others (Pharaoh's army skull), but has been removed from the sea?

Bucaille then prepare a final report on something he believed to be a new discovery, that of Pharaoh rescue bodies from the sea and preservation. This final report he published under the title 'The mummy of Pharaoh; A Modern Medical Research', under its original title, "Les Momies des Pharaons et la Midecine '.

When preparing the final report, one of his colleagues Bucaille whispered something in his ear and said: "Do not be in a hurry because the Muslims have actually talked about the sinking of the mummy".

He began to think and wonder. How could it happen? In fact, the mummy was recently discovered around the year 1898 AD, while the Qur'an has been around for thousands of years earlier.

After repairing the bodies of pharaohs and pemumiannya, France return mummies to Egypt. However, he still wonders about the news that Muslims have told each other about the rescue bodies.

3. Dr.Fidelma O'Leary, discover the secrets of prostration in prayer

 Dr Fidelma, neurologists from the United States received guidance during a study of the human brain neurons. When doing research, he found a few nerves in the human brain that does not enter the blood. And every inch of the human brain requires adequate blood supply in order to function normally.

Intrigued by his discovery, he tried to examine more seriously. After a time-consuming research was not in vain. Finally he discovered that blood will not enter the nerves in the human brain are perfectly except when someone is doing prostrations in prayer. That is, if people do not perform the prayers, the brain does not receive enough blood to function normally.

Apparently it is the nerves in the brain requires only blood for a few moments only. This means that the blood will enter the veins the brain by following the prayers.

4. Professor William, finding that exalt plant

 A popular science magazine, Journal of Plant Molecular Biologies, disclose the results of research conducted by a team of U.S. scientists about the subtle sounds that can not be heard by the normal ear (ulstrasonik), which came out of the plant. Sound is successfully stored and recorded using sophisticated recording devices.

Of the tape recorder, later converted into ultrasonic vibrations into electrical wave optics that can be displayed to the screen. With this technology, the ultrasonic vibration can be read and understood, because the recorded sound to be seen on screen in the form of a series of lines.

The scientists then bring their findings before the research team one by the UK where Muslims are the researchers.

What is surprising, subtle ultrasonic vibration transferred from the recorder describe the lines that form lafadz God in the display. British scientists have stepped in awe with what they saw.

Researchers this week said Muslims if the finding is consistent with the beliefs of the Muslims since 1400 years ago. U.S. scientists and a team of British researchers who hear the greeting and asked him to explain the purpose of the said.

After explaining Islam and verse, the Muslim researchers gave the gift of the Holy Qur'an Manuscripts and terjemahanya to Professor William, a member of the UK team.
A few days after peristwa, Professor William lectured at Carnegie Mellon University. He said:

"In my life, I have never come across such a phenomenon for 30 years to pursue this work, and no one of them a scientist who did the study that could interpret what the meaning of this phenomenon. Similarly, never found a natural occurrence that can menafsirinya. However, the only interpretation that can be found is in the Koran. It does not give me another option other than to say Syahadatain, "said William expression.

5. Demitri Bolykov, believe the sun will rise from the West

 As a physicist from Ukraine, Demitri Bolykov said that the entrance to Islam for him is physics. Demitri joined in a scientific study led by Prof. Nicolai Kosinikov, who is also a physicist.

The theory raised by Prof. Kosinov is the most recent theories and boldest in interpreting phenomena rotation of the earth on its axis. A group of researchers is to design a sample of a ball filled with a thin plank of the molten metal, was placed on the body of the electrode formed bermagnit opposing currents.

When an electric current runs on the two electrodes, and then generate a magnetic force balls filled with a thin plank of metal begin to spin on its axis, this phenomenon is called "Motion Magno Integral Electro-Dynamics". The motion was in substance a rotation of the earth on its axis activity.

At the level of reality in the universe, solar power is the "driving force" that could give birth to a magnetic area that could push the earth to rotate on its axis. Then the rotation of the earth's motion in fast or slow as the power intensity of solar power.

On this basis also the position and direction of the north pole depends. It has been held that the Earth's magnetic poles research until 1970 moving at a speed not exceeding 10 km in a year, but in recent years is the increased speeds of up to 40 miles in a year

Even in 2001 the Earth's magnetic poles shifting from place to reach a distance of 200 km in one motion. This means that the influence of the earth's magnetic resulted in two magnetic poles alternately place. This means that the "movement" will lead to the rotation of the earth in the opposite direction. When that sun will rise (out) from the West.

hopefully Helpful... :)

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