Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is another name cinnamon comes from Greek meaning sweet wood. These plants grow on the island of Java. Included in the family Laureceae, cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum zeylanicum or scientific name), trees have a maximum height of 9 meters with bark smooth gray. Spear-shaped leaves with a length of about 20 cm and a width of 5 cm. The leaves are green on top and white on the bottom. Small flowering with white or yellowish forming cluster.

Part of the cinnamon tree which is used is wood inner darker because on the inside smelled the aroma while the outer skin does not smell nice. The inside of the bark will be dried in the sun. As a result, the bark will shape rolls are then cut into 5-8 cm long stalks small or ground into powder form. Forms like these we usually find and used as fragrances and flavor enhancer in foods, beverages or be used as aromatherapy and perfume.

How to eat Cinnamon
Some cinnamon as a way of presenting the food and drink connoisseurs, among others:

- Use the cinnamon stick as a stirrer in a small size hot beverages such as chocolate, hot milk or cereal beverage
- Along with brewed tea.
- Combine cinnamon powder on the cake or add small pieces of cinnamon to decorate your cake.
- Used as a spice in cuisines such as memmbuat rice, pasta, meat or vegetables.

Benefits of Cinnamon
In addition as fragrances and flavor enhancer in foods and beverages, cinnamon or cinnamon has some efficacy to relieve health problems because cinnamon contains manganese, iron and calcium. The benefits to health complaints, such as to lower blood sugar, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, improve memory, relieve muscle and joint pain, solve the problem gums and teeth, mouth sores, relieve headaches, migraine, overcome strep throat, relieve stomach problems and cramps during menstruation and eliminate the problem of bad breath.

You can drink the decoction of grated cinnamon to try to address the health problems that you experience if you do not mix with food or drink. For the problem of sore throat, mouth sores or bad breath, just rinse with boiling water in the ratio ½ teaspoon cinnamon with 1 cup water.

For longer storage, cinnamon in powder form is more appropriate because it can be stored for 6 months, while cinnamon sticks are not for cinnamon in powder form. Cinnamon Keep in a cool, dry and dark.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

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