Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

The Active Kids Will Have More Powerful Memory

If you want to have a smart and intelligent at school, then teach sports and other vigorous activities since early childhood. Studies prove physical activity can increase the level of intelligence and memory.

The team of scientists from the United States have used the scanner (brain scan) to show that the area of ​​the brain is really developing in line with a given physical activity in children.

This study shows that children who are active and fit tend to be more intelligent and have better memory than children who rarely perform physical activity.

Scientists found that in children fit, one of the most important parts of the brain apparently 12 percent greater than children who did not fit. Scientists believe that the teaching of physical activity from an early age will help improve academic performance in school children.

Researchers from the University of Illinois, USA, studied the brain 49 children aged 9-10 years using MRI scans, which is a technique that delivers highly detailed images of organs and tissues in the body.

Researchers then tested the children's physical fitness levels by asking him to walk on a treadmill. The result, researchers found that the hippocampus (the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning abilities) fit children 12 percent more than other children.

"These findings will bring positive implications for encouraging parents to teach sport to children from a young age," said Professor Art Kramer, who led the study, as quoted from Dailymail, Friday (17/09/2010).

According to Professor Kramer, although genes, environmental factors and socioeconomic status can affect brain development but physical activity at an early age has a major influence on brain development.

"These findings could prove, although you get some bad genes from their parents, but with physical activity also can still help brain development," added Prof Kramer.

These findings may also encourage parents and schools to make exercise more of a priority for children at a young age.

These findings have been published in the journal Brain Research.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

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