Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Behind the beauty of peacock feathers

No one who sees shades of peacock feathers hide admiration for the power of beauty. One of the recent studies conducted by scientists has revealed astonishing design that underlie these patterns.

Chinese scientists have found the delicate mechanism of minuscule hairs in peacock feathers filtering and reflecting different wavelengths. According to the study conducted by physicists from Fudan University, Jian Zi, and colleagues, and published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, brightly colored feathers are not produced by the color or pigment molecules giver, but the structure of the two-dimensional infinitesimal size that resemble crystals. (1)

Zi and his colleagues used a powerful electron microscope to reveal the main causes that gave rise to colors in peacock feathers. They examined the barbules in male green peacock (Pavo rnuticus). Barbules are hairs that are much smaller micro contained on the barb, the fiber fleece fur growing on the bone. Under the microscope, they found the lattice design black-and-white picture on the right. This consisted of thin rods made of melanin, a protein bound to another protein, keratin. The researchers observed that the two-dimensional form, which is hundreds of times thinner than a human hair, arrayed on the contiguous micro hairs. Through optical assessment and calculation, scientists are researching space between the rods or crystals, following the impact. As a result, it was revealed that the size and shape of the space in the lattice causes the light reflected by a variety of angles that have a very small difference, and thus to a variety of colors.

"The male peacock tail contains spectacular beauty because patterns shaped eyes sparkling, brilliant, diverse and colorful," said Zi, who later said, "when I looked at the eye-shaped patterns in the sun, I marveled at the beauty of the fur- fur is very impressive. "(2) Zi stated that before their study, the exact physical mechanism that produces color in peacock feathers is not yet known with certainty. Although the mechanism by which they found was simple, this mechanism is really clever.

It is clear that there is a design with a very special laid on the pattern of peacock feathers. The arrangement of crystals and spaces [cracks] very little in between the crystals are of the greatest importance in this design. Setting inter-space in particular really amaze. If this is not so arranged as to reflect light at slightly different angles to each other, then the colors will not be formed.

Most of the color of the peacock feather is based on structural coloration. There are no molecules or dye on the feathers that show structural colors, and the colors are similar to those found on the surface of the water soap bubbles can form. Human hair color comes from the color or pigment molecules, and no matter how far a person caring for her hair, the results will never be as brilliant and beautiful as peacock feathers.

It has also been stated that intelligent design is the peacock can be used as a source of inspiration for the design industry. Andrew Parker, a zoologist and coloring expert at Oxford University, who interpreted the discovery Zi said that the discovery of the so-called photonic crystals in peacock feathers allow scientists to adapt the structures to be used in the application in the industrial and commercial world. These crystals can be used to channel light in telecommunications equipment, or to create a new computer chips are so small. (3)

It is clear that the peacock has a pattern and superb style and design special, and thanks to a very simple mechanism, it may not be long, we'll see the goods and supplies that have a very bright coating on their surface. But how design gorgeous, intelligent and inspirational first appear? Could peacock know that the colors on the coat formed by the crystals and the spaces between crystals on the coat? Could peacock itself that puts feathers on its body and then decided to add a coloring mechanism to her? Could have arranged it so that the mechanism can produce these stunning designs? Absolutely not.

For example, if we look at the wonderful patterns made of colored stones as we walked along the banks of the river, and if we see also that there is a pattern that resembles the eye arrayed like a fan, it will appear in our minds that these have been placed intentionally, and not come into existence by itself or by chance. It is certain that these patterns, which reflect the beauty and the aesthetic tastes in human beings, was created by an artist. The same is true for the peacock feathers. As painting and design that reveal the existence of the artists who produced them, the patterns in peacock feathers revealed the existence of a Creator who made it. There is no doubt that it is God who assemble and organize similar forms crystals in peacock feathers and produces patterns that are so riveting for the peacock. God's Creation is flawless expressed in a verse of the Qur'an:

He is Allah, the Creator, The Hold, The Shaping Arts, The Names Have The Most Good Mix Him do what is in the heavens and on earth. And He is the Mighty, the Wise. (Surat al-Hashr, 59:24)

Hopefully Helpful ... :)

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