Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

How to Wash Hands Correctly

How the Right Hand Wash
Proper hand washing should use soap and under running water. While the measures proper hand washing technique is as follows.

Wet hands with water under the faucet or running water.
Take just enough liquid soap to the whole hand. It would be better if the soap contains antiseptic.
Rub the palms of your hands.
Rub down to the fingertips.
Palms rubbed the back of his left hand (or vice versa) with interlocking fingers (alternating) between the right and left hand. Rub it between your fingers. Do the opposite.
Put one finger back to back and interlock fingers.
Rub the right thumb with left palm with a circular motion. Do the same with the left thumb.
Rub your palms on the back of the fingers of one hand with the movement forward, backward and turning. Do the opposite.
Hold your right wrist with your left hand and do the twist. Do likewise for the left hand.
Clean the soap from your hands with running water.
Dry your hands using a tissue and when use the faucet, close the faucet with a tissue.
Dry with a tissue better than dry hands using common hand dryer in the mall. Due to a hand dryer that is used generally hold a lot of bacteria that can infect other people.

When washing your hands?
Hand washing is generally done just before eating, before preparing food, after handling raw meat, before and after touching the sick, after using the bathroom, after coughing or sneezing or blowing your nose, after changing diapers or pads, before and after treating wounds, after cleaning or taking out the trash, after touching animals or animal waste.

You should also teach good habits of washing hands to your children are still small. A child excited to learn about and touch everything without knowing what it is dirty or not. Then put his hand into the mouth or eating without washing hands. As a result, the child may suffer from the disease. According to the study, child number 1 killer disease in Indonesia is due to diarrhea, but this can be prevented by teaching children to wash their hands.

Given the importance of washing hands, then each household proclaimed October 15 as World Hand Washing Day. Familiarize yourself and your family to wash their hands now.

Hopefully Helpful ... :)

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