Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Hidden Energy of Lightning

A flash of lightning produces more electricity than that produced America.

At night, in heavy rain, the sky suddenly lit up, shortly followed by a thunderous sound. Do you know how incredible lightning illuminating the sky up? Do you know how much light it emits? Or how much heat it releases?

A flash of lightning is a bright light that formed during electrical discharge in the atmosphere during rain storms. Lightning can occur when the voltage at two separate points in the atmosphere - is still in the clouds, or between clouds and the ground surface, or between two ground level - reached a high level.

Lightning occurs in the form of at least two strikes. At the first stroke of negative charge (-) flows from the cloud to the ground. This is not a very bright flash. A number of branching lightning can usually be seen spreading out from the main flash point. When a lightning strike the ground first, an opposite charge is formed at the point to be grabbed and flow of both positively charged lightning is formed from the primary flash point directly towards the cloud. Two lightning usually collided about 50 meters above the ground. Short circuit is formed at the meeting point between the cloud and the surface of the land, and the result is an electric current is very strong and light flow from the main flash point it toward the clouds. The difference in electric voltage between the cloud and the ground surface exceeds several million volts.

The energy released by a lightning strike is greater than that generated by all power plants in the United States. The temperature at the point where the lightning is formed can reach 10,000 degrees Celsius. The temperature in the furnace to melt iron is between 1050 and 1100 degrees Celsius. The heat generated by the smallest lightning can reach 10 times that. This incredible hot means that lightning can easily burn and destroy all the elements that exist on earth.

Other comparisons, the surface temperature of 700,000 degrees Celsius solar height. In other words, the temperature of lightning is 1/70 of the sun's surface temperature. Light issued by lightning brighter than the light of 10 million incandescent light bulbs 100 watt power. For comparison, a flash of lightning illuminates sekelilinginya more clearly than when one light bulb lit in every house in Istanbul. God draws attention to the extraordinary luster of lightning is in the Qur'an,

"... Highlights cloud lightning almost eliminates vision." (Surat An Nuur, 24:43)

Flashes very quickly formed down to earth with a speed of 96,000 km / h. The first strike or reach the meeting point of the earth surface within 20 milliseconds, and struck the opposite direction to the cloud within 70 microseconds. Overall the lightning lasted up to half a second.

The sound of thunder that followed caused by sudden heating of the air around the lightning path. As a result, the air expands at speeds exceeding the speed of sound, though the waves kejutnya return to normal sound waves in the range of a few meters. Sound waves are formed following atmospheric air and surface shape afterwards. That is the reason for the thunder and lightning after the other.

When we contemplate all about lightning, we can understand that the events of this nature is something amazing. How does an incredible power that comes from a kind of positively and negatively charged particles, which are invisible to the naked eye, showed that lightning was created intentionally. Furthermore, the fact that the molecules of nitrogen, which is essential for plants, emerge from these forces, once again proving that lightning is created with a special wisdom.

God specifically draws attention to the lightning is in the Qur'an. Meaning Ra'd Ar letter, one letter of the Qur'an, the real is "Thunder". In these verses about lightning Allah says He brings lightning in humans as a source of fear and hope. God also said that thunder that comes when lightning struck the praise hymn. God has created a number of signs for us to lightning. We are obliged to think and be thankful that thunder, you may have never thought this thorough and a lot of people that cause feelings of fear and hope in man, is a means by which the fear of God grew and were sent by him for the particular purpose as He wills .

Hopefully Helpful ... :)

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