Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Earth Will Keep Moving

Alfred Wegener theory says that the Earth's crust is constantly moving and moving. As the raft like. One of the strongest arguments Wagener is that both forms of contiguous coastline next to the South Atlantic Ocean (America and South Africa) can be matched. Geological circumstances contiguous area located next to the Atlantic Ocean can be followed and correlated from one coast to coast across the ocean.

This fact makes Wagener estimates that during the past 200 million years ago on Earth there is only one vast land that became the origin of all land on Earth in the present moment. Land was called Pangaea.

At that time, mainland Africa and South America still trailer into one. While North America becomes one with mainland Europe / Asia, located on the north the Earth, and to the south is mainland Africa and Antarctica. Australian continent was still attached to one of Antarctica. What is special too, is the land that became known as India, it is located far from Asia but close to Antarctica.

Twenty million years later there was a terrible incident and the changes that cause the land cracks forming loose parts that move themselves away from each other. Map of the Earth has changed. Land divided into two major parts, which in the south is called Gondwana, while those in the north called Laurasia. Land that is now the Europe / Asia shifted to the north. South America which was originally to be one with Africa and North America with the European one started off and headed West. The changes are much greater that occurred at 180 million next year, a change that shaped the face of the Earth as it is today. North and South met and became a land separated from Europe and Africa. Along with it was born precisely of the Atlantic. India's move on to the North after a distance of 9,000 kilometers, eventually met and became one with the mainland of Asia. Merger events gave birth to the Himalayas also known as the roof of the world. Similarly, the further away from the Australian mainland Antarctica and instead getting closer to Asia.

With that shift, was born Indonesian Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Mainland Europe and Asia remained one. African-torn eastern part bear little island of Madagascar. While Antarctica seems to not move from its place. Wagener opinion which supposes the Earth as moving on a conveyor belt supported later by new theories known as plate tectonics. The surface of the Earth consists of several large-sized continental plates, each consisting of the continental oseanis and move relative to one another, each plate thickness of approximately 80 kilometers.

The speed of the relative motion of these plates range from 1 to 13 centimeters per year. These plates can move because of the hot interior of the Earth that causes the current convention on the surface appear as horizontal displacement. Litosfera outer skin consisting of a cooler, strong, and tough with a thickness ranging from 80 to 100 kilometers envelops parts of the earth that is more hot, mushy, and liquid clay.

The new Litosfera formed under mid-ocean ridge, where the substance of the mantle heat rising from the earth to the surface. These materials are spread out and cooled off, move to the side and the next process is the destruction of litosfera oseanis older, colder, and solid in subduction zones when these materials nosedive and sink back into the mantle.

Litosfera oseanis which is nearly 70 pedestal earth is the top of the cold convection currents. Litosfera is cooled, contracted into a thick and has decreased while moving sideways toward subduction zones. While the continent is a continent or chemical segregation produced by fractionation coat, was eroded to the extent of sea surface and freezes on the litosfera. And as massive blocks equitable is transported by the "conveyor belt", then broken apart by the motions of the pull and move in different directions. On that basis then suspected that the most likely people in the days to come the Antarctic continent remains in place today, but it might spin like clockwork.

The oceans of the Atlantic and Indonesia will spread more widely. Mainland Australia will move further to the North. While Africa will lose the tiles to form a new Madagascar-Madagascar. Most of California is released and goes to the northwest. Los Angeles will sink. While the archipelago will be squeezed by the movement of the continent of Australia to the north, and is not likely to hit the continent of Asia.

So the Earth moves and move on, such as the Lord God:

"And you see the mountains, you would have thought the mountains were silent place, but the mountains were running like the way the clouds." (Surat an Naml verse: 88).

"And the mountain is really running" (Surah Ath Thuur verse: 10).

Hopefully Helpful ... :)

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