One of the noble qualities that are encouraged in the Qur'an is forgiveness:
Be forgiving and dispatch the work that kindness, and do not care about people who are ignorant. (Surat al-Qur'an, 7:199)
In another verse Allah says: "... and let them forgiving and tolerant. Did you not love that Allah should forgive you? Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (Surat An Nuur, 24:22)
Those who do not follow the noble teachings of the Qur'an will find it difficult to forgive others. Therefore, they are easily angered by the mistakes done anything. In fact, Allah has advised the faithful that forgiveness is more proper:
... and if ye forgive, and ye santuni and forgive (them), then indeed, Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat at Taghaabun, 64:14)
It is also stated in the Qur'an that forgiveness is a virtue that is commendable. "But whoso be patient and forgiving, it includes such a noble deed." (Qur'an 42:43) Based on this, the believers are those who are forgiving, compassionate and tolerant, as stated in the Qur'an, "... restrain anger and pardon (mistakes) of others." (Surah Ali 'Imraan, 3:134)
The researchers believe that the release of stress hormones, increased oxygen demand by the heart muscle cells, and increased viscosity of the blood keeping the seams, triggering blood clots explain how anger increases the chances of heart attack. When angry, the heart rate increases beyond reasonable limits and cause a rise in blood pressure in the arteries, and thus increase the likelihood of having a heart attack.
Understanding the believers of forgiveness is very different from those who do not live according to the Qur'an. Although many people may say they have forgiven someone who hurt them, but it takes a long time to break free from the hatred and anger in their hearts. Their attitude tends to show that anger. On the other hand, the forgiveness of believers is sincere. Because they know that humans are tested in this world, and learn from their mistakes, they are tolerant and compassionate. Moreover, believers are also able to forgive when actually they are right and everyone else wrong. When forgiving, they do not distinguish between major and minor errors. One can really hurt them accidentally. However, believers know that everything happens according to the will of God, and according to a specific destiny, and therefore, they surrender themselves to these events, never fettered by anger.
According to recent research, American scientists established that those capable of forgiveness are healthier in both mind and body. The people surveyed stated that their pain was reduced after forgiving the person who hurt them. Research shows that people who learned to forgive feel better, not only emotionally but also physically. For example, it has been proved that based on research, symptoms of psychological and physical symptoms such as back pain due to stress [distress], insomnia and stomachaches were significantly reduced in these people.
Forgiveness, is one of the behaviors that keep people healthy, and a noble gesture that should be carried out every
In his book, Forgive for Good [Forgive for Goodness], Dr. Frederic Luskin describes forgiveness as a proven recipe for health and happiness. The book describes how the forgiveness triggers the creation of a good state of mind as hope, patience and self-confidence by reducing anger, suffering, weak morale and stress. According to Dr. Luskin, anger that kept causing physical effects that can be observed in a person. He went on to say that:
The issue of long-term anger or endless we have seen is reset temperature control system in the body. When you get used to the low level of anger all the time, you do not realize what's normal. It creates a kind of adrenaline rush that people get used. It burns the body and makes it difficult to think clearly - to make things worse.
An article entitled "Forgiveness" [Forgiveness], published Healing Current Magazine [Magazine Healing the Present] edition in September-October 1996, stated that anger towards an individual or an event led to negative emotions in people, and destroy the balance of emotional and even physical health them. The article also mentions that people realize after a while that the anger is bothering them, and wish to repair damaged relationships. So, they take steps to forgive. It added that, despite all they endure it, people do not want to spend valuable time of their life in anger and anxiety, and prefer to forgive themselves and others.
All research shows that anger is a state of mind which is very damaging to human health. Forgiveness, on the other hand, though heavy, was happy, one part of morality, which eliminates any impact damage from anger, and help these people enjoy a healthy life, both physically and spiritually. However, the real purpose of forgiveness-as well as everything else - should be to gain the pleasure of Allah. The fact that moral properties like this, and that the benefits have been scientifically proven, it has been revealed in many verses of the Qur'an, is just one of many sources of wisdom it contains.
Hopefully Helpful ... :)
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