Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Secrets of Wing On Insects

How a Ganjur able to flap its wings 1000 times per second? How can a flea jump as far as a hundred times the size of his height? Why a butterfly flapping its wings to fly forward while up and down?

Flies are one of the animals mentioned in the Qur'an, as only one of many animals that reveal the infinite knowledge of our Lord. Allah the Almighty says about this in verse 73 of Al Hajj: "O mankind! Has created a parable. So listen! Surely all you call upon besides Allah can not create a fly, though they banded together to create it. And if the fly snatch anything from them, they will not be able to retake it from the fly. As weak as the worship and the worship. "(Qur'an, 22:73)

Although recent research has been done, despite all the technology God has given to man, so many of the characteristics of living things that still keep the sides of the marvelous. As in all things that God has created, in the body of a fly shows abundant evidence of supreme knowledge. By reviewing the details, anyone who thought it would be able to once again contemplate the deep admiration of God and obedience to Him.

A number of studies have been conducted by scientists on the flight of flies and other small insects are described below. The conclusion emerging from this is that no random power, try or entity other than Allah is able to create even a fly hassle.

Flight muscles of many insects such as grasshoppers and dragonflies shrink very strong due to the stimulus that caused the nerves that control her every move. In the locust, for example, the signals sent by each nerve causing the flight muscles. By working alternately, not against each other, two complementary muscle groups, called elevators (lifter) and depresor (lowering), allowing the wings to rise up and beat down. Grasshoppers flap their wings 12 to 15 times per second, and to be able to fly the smaller insects have to flap their wings faster. Honey bees, wasps and flies beat their wings 200 to 400 times per second, and the Ganjur and a number of harmful insects measuring just 1 millimeter (0.03 inches), the speed is increased to an astounding 1,000 times per second! Flapping wings too quickly to be seen by human eyes have been created with a special design in order to do work of this kind constantly.

A nerve is able to send at most 200 signals per second. So how did a small insect capable of flapping their wings 1000 times per second? Research has proven that in these insects, there is a one-to-one between the signals from the nerves and fluttering number per unit time.

In this particular device, which each made separately in each of insect body, found not the slightest irregularity. The nerves never send the wrong signal, and the muscles of insects always interpret them correctly.

In such type of flies and bees, the muscles that allow flight was not even attached to the base of the wing! Instead, these muscles are attached to the chest with a hook that acts like a hinge, while the muscles that lift the wing attached to the top surface of the upper and lower chest. When these muscles contract, the surface of a flat chest and pull down the wing base. Surface side wings provide backstop role allowing the wings to rise. Muscles that downward movement is not attached directly to the wing, but work along the chest. When these muscles contract, the chest drawn back in the opposite direction, and in this way immovable wing down.

The wing joint is composed of a special protein known as resilin, which has an incredible resilience. Because it is far ahead of natural or synthetic rubber, chemical engineers are trying to reproduce this material, in the laboratory. When flexing and contracting, resilin able to store almost all of the energy applied to it, and when the pressing force is removed, resilin is able to restore the overall energy. As a result, the efficiency (efficiency) resilin can reach 96%. When the wing is raised, approximately 85% of the energy expended is stored for later; same energy is then reused in the downward movement that provides lift to the top and push the insect forward. The surface of the chest and the muscles have been created with a special design to allow for the collection of this energy. However, the energy is actually stored in the joints consist of resilin. It is certainly impossible for an insect, by his own, equip yourself with the tools amazing to fly. Intelligence and the power of the infinite God has created this special resilin in insects.

For a smooth flight, move straight up and down is not enough. In order to raise the lift and thrust, the wing must also change the angle of movement in each flap. The wings of insects have a particular rotational flexibility, depending on the species, which is made possible by the so-called direct flight muscles (muscle-fly wheel), abbreviated DFM generating the forces necessary for flight.

When the insect seeks rise higher in the air, they expand their wings angle contracts the muscles of the wing hinges are stronger. High-speed image recording and stop-motion show that during the flight, the wings move follows an elliptical and for every round of the wing, the angle changed regularly. This change is due to the ever-changing movement of the muscle-flying rudder and wing attachment on the body.

The biggest problem faced by very small insects while flying is air resistance. For them, the air density becomes an obstacle that can not be underestimated. Moreover, inhibiting layer around the wing causes the air attached to the wing and reduces the usefulness (efficiency) flying. In order to overcome air resistance, as Forcipomya insects, whose wings are no more than 1 millimeter, must beat 1000 times per second.

Scientists believe that in theory, this speed is not enough to withstand even the insects are still in the air, and they must employ other enhancements. In fact, Anarsia, a type of harmful insects, using a method known as 'beat and shake' (pack and shake). When the wings reach the highest point in the upward movement, the wings flapping and then open each other down again. At the wings (the blood vessel network) open, forming a vortex front airflow around the wings and the wings help lift.

Many types of insects, including grasshoppers, pay attention to what is captured vision like a line of the horizon (horizon) to determine the direction of flight and its final destination. To shore up its balance position, flies have been created with a design that more remarkable. These flies have only one pair of wings, but on the back side of each wing there is a circular protrusion known as halter (straitjacket). Although not produce lift, restraint is vibrating with the front wings. At insects change the direction of flight, wing bulges prevent stray from the path of travel.

The entire knowledge presented here results from a study of proficiency flying three or four species of insects alone. Please note that all kinds of insects on earth amounted to about 10 million. Considering all remaining millions of species, along with countless features it has, someone definitely growing admiration for the greatness of God's infinite.

Troubleshooting for Venous Disorders of Gen Lice

Scientists have managed to separate the resilin gene from fruit flies and managed to reproduce this protein naturally with the gene into the bacterium Escherichia coli.

In a study done by the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), (Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, the Commonwealth of Australia), the scientists were able to find the gene that produces insect resilin also find terrific polymers that may be useful in the treatment of vein diseases. Assessment in the beginning of the 1960s, which focused on desert locusts and dragonflies, is a strong incentive to promote this important stage.

Resilin, which also provides the ability to make the leap ticks incredible, grasshoppers and dragonflies complete desert, as well as other insects skill moves that surprised. Thanks to these substances, fleas can jump a hundred times its own body height and a fly can flap its wings over 200 times per second.

Protein derived from resilin is much better than the highest quality rubber products in terms of its ability to withstand the pressure and return to its former shape. Ongoing research on artificial resilin protein showed that they still have these traits.

The scientists expressed confidence that the polymer obtained from cloning insects' genes can be employed in a variety of very different fields, from medicine to industry. However, perhaps the most important of these applications is the handling of arterial disease in humans. Because resilin protein resembling elastin in human veins, the scientists hope that their research will give veins with renewed elasticity.

British Professor Roger Greenhalgh states that "Research [resilin] seems to be at a very early stage, but if we can take something good out of the elasticity of the flea that benefits humans, it will be very memorable."

Hopefully Helpful ... :)

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