Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

Are Humans Can Survive From Extinction?

The technology could mean disaster for the human - human herd themselves into extinction.

Humans are able to survive in an ice age (ice age), and pandemic diseases dangerous - to be able to become the dominant species on Earth.

Humans are also able to adapt to almost anywhere on Earth, and harness the power of nature, split atoms and connect the DNA to create a new species. However, scientists warn, the technology could mean disaster for the human - human herd themselves into extinction.

Man must learn to wisely use technology, such as to prevent natural disasters such as an asteroid collision. Also wise to avoid extinction themselves with careful use of biotechnology and nanotechnology.

"When a civilization has tremendous power to control nature, manipulate, and more powerful in terms of equipment and skills, the greater the risk," says social anthropologist and director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation in London, England, as pages loaded LiveScience.

Technology makes people become superior in the long term, but history proves this could be a disaster. For example, a nuclear war in the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. Or when Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb devastated. However, nuclear technology is not the only double-edged.


"The biggest challenge we have is that the technology is growing at a rapid exponential. That is, the ability to affect the world and society as a whole move, from a government entity to a group of people, even individuals, "said Peter Diamandis, Chairman and CEO of the X Prize Foundation.

The technology allows almost anyone to change the world in the near future, for better or worse.

For example, the digital map of DNA sequence and laboratory equipment are cheaper allowing individuals to design new synthetic organism that could revolutionize the world of medicine or a new era of clean energy.

Instead, it may give individuals space to spread a deadly new disease - re-engineered version of the 1918 influenza virus that killed 50 million people.

According to Diamandis, the biggest challenge comes from biotechnology. Following, the development of nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence or AI) - a man-made creature can rival the intelligence of its creator.

If in the future, AI - in the form of a robot, for example - become more intelligent and uncontrollable, people may face the situation as dangerous as the onslaught of aliens.

The threat from beyond Earth, astrophysicist Stephen Hawking has even issued a warning to people not to make contact with the aliens - despite the existence of aliens has not been ascertained.

However, the real threat of curved space can come in the form of a more 'reasonable' - a giant asteroid could hit Earth at any time. Humans could have fared the same as the dinosaurs, extinct.


One of the greatest challenges facing humanity well today is climate change. The scientists even predict runaway climate change, humans will be extinct in just 100 years.

Frank Fenner, microbiologist at the Australian National University (ANU) - which helped eliminate smallpox - told The Australian that he believed overpopulation, the environment and especially climate change will 'lock' the fate of mankind.

The scientists encourage people to take action to reduce the impact of climate change.

According geochemist and climate scientist at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, New York, said technological solutions to climate change already exist. But Broecker skeptical governments and industry will try to slow the rise of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere.

"The increase in CO2 is not going to kill a lot of people." But it will change the ecology of the planet, melting icebergs, acidify the oceans, changing water availability and crop cultivation of food.

Hopefully Helpful ... :)

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