Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

Benefits of Guava

Guava is a tropical fruit that is rich in nutrients. The fruit that comes from South America has the scientific name Psidium guajava. Guava has a sweet taste, tempting aroma and refreshing make this fruit much liked by us especially guava seeds.

Red guava has many many nutrients that are beneficial to health. The content of Vitamin C, A, B complex, fiber and many other minerals needed by the body. Here are tips on health benefits of guava seeds for health.

1. Guava is low in calories and fat but contains essential vitamins such as, mineral, and antioxidant poly-phenolic compounds and flavonoids play an important role in cancer prevention, anti-aging, and increase endurance.

2. The fruit is very rich source of soluble fiber (5.4 g per 100 g of fruit, about 14% of the DRA), which is good for improving digestion. Fiber helps to protect the intestinal mucous membrane by reducing the adverse effects of toxins and cancer-causing chemicals binding in the colon.

3. Guava is a source of antioxidants and vitamin C, providing more than three times the daily intake requirement. Skin Foreign guava contain high vitamin C than the tengahnnya.

4. Guava is rich in astringents are alkaline and have benefits as a disinfectant and anti-bacterial properties, thus help cure diarrhea or dysentery caused by microbial growth. Further, other nutrients in guava, such as vitamin C, carotenoids and potassium strengthens and rejuvenates the digestive system.

5. Vitamin B on guava health plays an important role in brain function. Guava is rich in vitamin B3 and B6. Vitamin B3, also known as niacin which serves to stimulate brain function and improve blood flow, and vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is an important nutrient for brain and nerve function.

6. Scientific studies show that consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C helps the body regularly become stronger against infections, and cancer-causing free radicals that are harmful to the body.

7. Guava fruit is a source of Vitamin-A and flavonoids like beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and cryptoxanthin. The compound is known to have antioxidant properties and are essential for health. Vitamin A is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and the skin. Consumption of natural fruits rich in carotenes known to protect the lung and oral cavity cancers.

8. Studies show that lycopene in guava young can prevent skin damage from the effects of UV rays and provides protection from prostate cancer.

9. Fresh Guava is very rich in potassium, even more than bananas per 100 g of fruit weight. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure.

10. Guava is also a source of B-complex vitamins such as pantothenic acid, niacin, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin E, and K, and minerals like magnesium, copper, and manganese. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells.

11. Although there are no definitive studies on the benefits of guava seeds to treat dengue fever (DHF), but many believe the red guava can increase blood platelets penderitan dengue. vitamins and minerals are high on red guava can help speed up the process penyembuahn on oarang ya pain without causing side effects.

Very many benefits of red guava fruit for health, as well as readily available everywhere and of course the price is cheap.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Joint Pain Medication

  Here are some lists of natural medicine which is used to cure joint pain.

1. Cod liver oil, omega-3 acids contained in cod liver oil has benefits to reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritis.

2. Bath of warm water and salt, it will help to increase blood flow and help relieve joint pain.

3. Bananas good for joint pain because it helps in lubricating the joints and is rich in potassium and vitamin B6, which can reduce pain

4. Garlic, garlic's active ingredients are sulfur compounds that not only inhibit joint inflammation but also stimulates the synthesis of a protein called collagen.

5. Honey is known strongly to fight inflammation in the body, can handle the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis

6. Cinnamon is known for its ability to inhibit inflammation in the body to eliminate free radicals and toxins that accumulate in and around the joints and relieve pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints.

7. Make a habit of eating nutritious foods that contain omega-3 and vitamins and enough drinking water
If excess weight is better for losing weight that joints do not accept loads that are too heavy.

Check and konsulatasi medicine to gain certainty about the disease you are suffering.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Benefits of Purple Sweet Potato

Purple sweet potato is usually regarded as a plebeian or rustic food. Although the food is rustic and countrified many health benefits that can be gained from this sweet, even very far from today's modern food (fast food).

Purple sweet potato contains lysine, Cu, Mg, K, Zn average of 20%. He is also a good source of carbohydrates and other calories high enough. Coupled with a good source of vitamins and minerals, vitamins contained in sweet potatoes, including vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamin (vitamin B1) and riboflavin. While the sweet potatoes minerals such as iron (Fe), phosphorus (P), and calcium (Ca).

Other ingredients are protein, fat, crude fiber and ash. Total content of purple pigments (anthocyanins) varies at each plant and ranged from 20 mg/100 g and 600 mg/100 g fresh weight. Total anthocyanin content of purple sweet potato is 519 mg/100 g fresh weight.

The following are some of the health benefits of purple sweet potato:

1. anthocyanin in purple sweet potato is useful as an antioxidant that can absorb air pollution, oxidation in the body and inhibits blood clotting so the health of the blood flow more smoothly.

2. content of beta-carotene, vitamin E and C are useful as antioxidants and cancer preventing various cardiovascular diseases.

3. fiber and pectin in sweet purple very well to prevent digestive disorders such as hemorrhoids, constipation to colon cancer.

4. purple sweet potato anthocyanins also have physiological functions eg antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial, protection against liver damage, heart disease and stroke.

5. active ingredient selenium and iodine twenty higher than other sweet potatoes, purple sweet potato that can be anti-cancer.

6. purple sweet potatoes have antioxidant and antibacterial activity of 2.5 and 3.2 times higher than that of the several varieties of "blueberry"

7. but it can serve as a source kabohidrat for the body and as a natural food coloring.

Still looking purple sweet potato as a food rustic and countrified ..? seen from the many health benefits that result from purple sweet potato, there is no harm in it as well as we try to sweet tastes good. One thing to remember too much consumption of cassava may cause us frequent flatulence

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Benefits of Garlic

Garlic has long been known as a natural substance that has many health benefits. Although most people do not smell like garlic apparently has many health benefits. It is also why many people do not like taking it.

Garlic contains the amino acid constituents of healthy and allicin, an amino acid derivative is beneficial for health. Garlic itself contains minerals zinc, germanium, selenium, iron and magnesium, Vit A and C as well as sulfur compounds that are useful for binding to metals and poison hearts removed.

Here health articles for health benefits of garlic.

1. Heart Health

Nutrition and diet experts believe garlic can reduce levels of homocysteine ​​(an amino acid) in the blood for heart health. Garlic can also reduce the harmful buildup of plaque on artery walls.

2. Blood Health

- Research shows that garlic can increase blood circulation by increasing the levels of hydrogen sulfide in the blood.
- Sulfur compounds in garlic reduce levels of fat in the blood, helping to regulate blood pressure and help the symptoms of hypertension.
- Sulfur compounds in garlic, ajoene especially to avoid clotting.
- Garlic is often used as a blood thinner to boost circulation and prevent blood clots.

3. The immune system

Garlic stimulates the activity of white blood cells that fight infection and disease. Garlic can increase the liver against free radicals.

4. Blood Sugar

Studies show that garlic has the ability to boost insulin levels in the blood and stabilize blood sugar.

5. Antioxidants

Antioxidants in garlic protects cells from free radicals and inhibit the growth of cancer.

6. Cholesterol

Garlic has an important role in lowering blood cholesterol levels.

7. Sex

Garlic komom able to keep the levels of testosterone in men and can increase libido in men and women.

In addition to the many benefits of garlic, it should be noted side effects. Garlic is a natural blood thinner and inhibits blood clotting, so for emreka who have blood disorders, should consult with your doctor before mngkonsumsi garlic.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Overcoming Natural Medicines Ulcer

Ulcer disease is a disease caused by excess acid in the stomach that causes irritation / sores in the mucous membranes of the stomach. Acid in the stomach is needed to help grind and digest the food we eat. But if the production of excess acid in the stomach so it causes ulcer disease. Ulcer disease can be caused by our unhealthy lifestyles and irregular as irregular eating, the food was too spicy and oily, smoke, drink coffee / alcohol, stress and even be one of the factors causing ulcers.

Ulcer disease affects many people have high activity, so their lifestyle and irregular eating. Ulcer disease can be known from the characteristics stomach bloating, nausea to vomiting, midriff pain, frequent belching, quickly feel full and hungry.

There are some natural ingredients / herbs that can be used to cure ulcers. In addition to getting natural materials are also free from chemicals that can increase the emergence of new diseases caused by the use of chemicals. Here's Health Tips Natural Medicines Ulcer Disease.

1. Turmeric

Turmeric for ulcer drug, including the most well known natural remedy for treating the ulcer disease. curcumin and curcuminoids (active ingredient of turmeric) as well as essential oils shown to have antioxidant effects, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anticancer so either consumed as a cure for ulcers and other health problems.
Usage: Take 2 segment turmeric, peeled, cleaned and grated turmeric, add lukewarm water and squeeze to take out the juice. Drink twice a day, in the morning before eating and at night before bed.

2. Aloe vera

Aloe vera to ulcer drug, content aloin, aloin-emodin, resins, tannins, and polysaccharides in aloe vera good for treating stomach ulcers. Other active substances identified as Aloctin Aloctin A and B. Aloctin A inhibits secretion of gastric acid and pepsin when given intravenously in mice. Another potent ingredient is Aloin and Anthraquinone that can increase the production of prostaglandins. In addition, aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera gel contains bradykinase, which is a source of inflammation enzyme breaker, Bradykinin.
Usage: Peel the skin and aloe vera to clean the mucus is reduced, Boil until cooked (boiling water). Serve by adding honey to lessen the sense of bitterness or juice can also be used to add honey.

3. Plantain

Plantain for ulcer drug, on plantain contained substances that are antitukak ulcer, a high content of pectin in bananas may protect against the effects of gastric mucous membrane of stomach acid.
pengggunaan: select bananas that are old and not yet mature, dry banana by banana peel. cut into small pieces as a way of dried chips (not directly under mathari, aerated enough), after dry powder can make mashed or blender. Take two tablespoons of banana powder, mix with honey, consumption twice a day morning and evening.

4. Green beans

Green beans for heartburn, the content of the green bean can create a thick layer of the stomach and reduce acid levels in labung reduced, which usually causes the Disease ulcer in too banyakknya acid content of the stomach.
use: Clean the green beans, dried by sun-dried, roasted green beans until cooked and then mashed until smooth, Take a Sendak eat green bean powder and mix with warm water, drink three times a day.

5. Goat Milk

Goat's milk for heartburn drugs, drink 200 ml goat milk regularly or when heartburn strikes. Goat's milk is alkaline so as to neutralize excess stomach acid.

That's Health article about a natural remedy for heartburn. Unruk Pregnant women are advised to consume no more than because it can result in less good for the fetus and should consult first with your medical doctor.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

benefits of Eggplant

Eggplant purple sibuah rich health benefits. The fruit that comes from India which grows wild, starting first cultivated in China. Eggplant is a good source of fiber, source of Vitamin B and minerals such as magnesium and manganese. Color purple eggplant contains a substance called Anthocyanin. Anthocyanins can prevent high blood pressure, hepatosis (disease due to deficiency of vitamin E or selenium), and enhance vision at night.

Here's Tips for Healthy Eggplant health benefits.

1. sources of Vitamins
Eggplant contains Vit B, including Vit B1, B3 and B6, which helps your body convert carbohydrates into energy that can help menghanhurkan fat and protein.

2. Mineral Resources
Eggplant is a source of minerals like magnesium, manganese and potassium. magnesium helps normal function of the nervous and cardiovascular systems as well as keeping the body's immune system from bacteria and viruses that enter into the body. Manganese helps metabolize fats and carbohydrates.

3. lowering Cholesterol
Eggplant help limit fat and cholesterol in the body and keep the blood sugar to remain normal.

4. diabetes
Eggplant extracts can inhibit an enzyme that causes type 2 diabetes by controlling glucose absorption and lowering blood pressure which can lead to hypertension.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

How to Diet With Juice Drink

There are many health benefits that can be obtained from juice drinks. Beverages derived from fruits or vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals are good for health and even diet. Juice to your diet? yes, many of us were not aware that juice can be used as a means to a healthy diet.

There are many types of fruits or vegetables that you can use to your healthy diet, here are some tips to Healthy Diet Juice.

Jus Bit

Bit much to contain, iron, potassium, vitamin C and magnesium are good for
red blood cells and is good for the diet.

Orange juice

Oranges are rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants and function to enhance the function
digestion is best used for those who are dieting.

Pear Juice

Pears are rich in calcium, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus is very good for the diet.

Pomegranate Juice

The juice is good for your heart and contains antioxidants that are good for a variety of cancers, so it is good to eat for a diet drink.

Cranberry Juice

Contains vitamin C levels high. Famous for its benefits that help many women to avoid infection in the urinary bladder. Cranberry juice prevents the E. coli bacteria that has been proven as a major cause of urinary tract infections. You can combine cranberries with banana as the perfect form of nutrients that come from vitamin and protein.

Blueberry Juice

Blueberries have very low calorie content that is suitable for you who are a healthy diet, as well as a high content of vitamin C as an antioxidant that can cope with free radicals.

Carrot Juice

Having high levels of kasium, potassium, and magnesium which is very useful for the survival of bone and body keseuruhan. One juice to lose weight also contain carotenoids that help your body stay healthy. Apparently, this juice is not only a major contribution to the health Bearan eye, but also rich in antioxidants that help fight cancer.

The many benefits derived from this health drink. Please try some juice list to support your healthy diet program.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Dealing with Children Who Temperament

When the child is upset, the first thing to do is ignore their anger. Try not to do anything. In other words, never mind his anger. This will teach the child that the outburst is not the only way to get something or parental concern.

If it is really too up can damage something or endanger themselves and others, parents should immediately alienates the child to his room or other enclosed space when it happened occurred in a public place. During the exile, not paying attention to him for some time.

Secondly, being Solidify. Often parents will be difficult to firmly when faced with a situation like this, and tried immediately to get out of the situation by granting the request of the child regardless of its form. This action is not a good solution, in fact the opposite. Instead of seeking to resolve the problem, will actually make matters worse by events that would continue over and over again. The child will use a "weapon" to upset the other desires. If you have this, parents will be dizzy "nine" circumference.

Therefore, it is important for parents to be able to stand firm and hold fast to the rule. That way you have the strength to overcome this situation. Children will learn that not all wishes should always be fulfilled immediately. He will learn to be realistic about what behavior is acceptable and what is not. Here, parents will also learn how he should be able to be consistent.

Then, stay calm and not provoked emotions is the best attitude for parents. Say to yourself, that I can control my child while teaching him how to control himself. Quiet is the personal characteristics of parents who emotionally stable and not affected by the attitude of the child because he really just wanted to test our patience as parents. So, stay calm ... persoalah anger is not a big kid.

Immediately give praise when the child has been able to control his temper, then do fun activities together. You can express how much you love him and are very happy that the child is better now. Say also that you do not like screaming, shouting and crying children. This action will help him understand that we do not care and you do not like is anger, not him. That way the child will continue to feel cherished and loved by her parents.

If at any time your child is being nice and you want to give something that your child never asked the other day (with anger), then tell the child the reason why now you want to give these objects. This is important, because it should not be thought about in the mind of the child that is caused by your actions anger the other day, but instead due to other reasons, namely good behavior this time.

You can also create rules agreed upon prior to any activity or travel, in order to avoid a complicated situation that does not exist in the previous agreement.

A good idea to give rewards to the child if he has a good effect and has been running what has been agreed. This will make him feel proud and appreciated.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

Benefits of Drinking Water

Given the importance of water, then the advice given is that we should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, or about two to two and a half liters of water. Here are some of the benefits of water for the body:

Creating a healthier body

If sufficient water intake, this can help make the distribution of nutrients throughout the body to be smooth so that all the cells in the body can repair itself with these nutrients. By drinking water as recommended will also alleviate the kidneys and liver so that it can help you avoid kidney and liver disease.

improving digestion

Drinking water helps the disposal of toxic products of metabolism more smoothly. This will help us avoid digestive diseases such as stomach ulcers and constipation.

Adding natural beauty

Water shortages will make our skin look dry and wrinkled. Water will help keep the skin to remain supple so it looks young and naturally beautiful.


Water can lose weight. Why? Since water is not calorie, fat free, cholesterol free, and low natrium.Selain it, water helps the body fat stored outlines.

For those who are dieting, the water can be a friend that should not be forgotten. By drinking warm water before eating, will help us feel full so that it will reduce appetite and reduce our food portions. Drinking water also will not make fat because water contains no calories, sugar and fat.

Increasing fertility

For those of you who are planning a pregnancy, it turns the water can help increase fertility because it will stimulate the production of the hormone testosterone in men and estrogen in women.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Benefits Of Breakfast

Benefits of breakfast

Breakfast or eating breakfast is important. The reason is because during sleep for approximately 8 hours of our bodies there is no food that enters the body, while activities such as breathing, moving or other light activity is still running. As a result, sugar levels in the body is very low. While the early days of physical activity from walking, such as traveling to the office, thinking or concentration need to be able to perform activities well. All of this requires some form of energy and energy obtained from food eaten.

By eating good food, will make the body feel full and will evoke the spirit to do activities. You will not feel sluggish or preoccupied by a hungry stomach. A healthy breakfast can help lower cholesterol levels. Emotionally, breakfast can be a gathering place for the whole family, telling each other, communicate and get closer emotionally. It's a good thing to create a harmonious family.

Why is breakfast?

However, although aware of the importance of breakfast. There are people who are reluctant to do so for several reasons. For example:

- Hunted time, so as not to be late to the office, someone skip breakfast or just drink milk or coffee for breakfast. To solve this problem, you should get up earlier. In order not to feel sleepy when you wake up in the morning, you have to sleep early. Discipline yourself not to be tempted to watch TV or surf can make us awake until late at night.

- Fear of fat. Reducing the entry of food rations in the morning can make you look slim. This opinion is wrong because even without breakfast, calories can eat more. Without breakfast, your metabolism and burn fat in the body will decrease so that the day will increase your appetite. The body feels hungry can make you look so calorie snacks are included in the body increases.

- Not familiar, feeling nausea or stomach upset if eaten in the morning. You should bear in mind to seriously get used to breakfast to stay healthy. Try not to take breakfast after waking up but given the lag time between 1-2 hours after eating breakfast your new build. Another thing to do is to not lengsung spend breakfast, but split them up into several small portions that can be eaten all morning. Make sure that the packaging is not damaged which can cause the food to be broken.

- Tired or no appetite for breakfast. The solution is to create a varied breakfast menu is not only fried rice, bread, jam, scrambled eggs or other menu only-that's it. Indeed it is not easy, because maybe you are working, you may be late to the office when a hassle to prepare meals. But you can try to prepare food for breakfast at night. The next day, you just finish cooking food that would save time. With more time are providing the benefits that can be obtained more responses.

Menu Breakfast

Breakfast is done every day. However, if the menu you have a healthy breakfast? The number of calories that should be entered in our body is as much at breakfast 300-400 calories. Recommended food for breakfast is nutritionally adequate menu, the menu corresponding to "Four Healthy Five Perfect", a third of which is made up of carbohydrates, protein, milk, cereal. Another option is to drink fruit juice, two servings of fruit, milk or low-fat milk.

Since the time only slightly, the employees often have breakfast after arriving at the office. The negative side of buying food is that we do not know to what extent the food hygiene. To avoid diseases caused by dirty food, try to choose healthy foods that contain adequate nutrients. Choose foods in containers that are sealed in order to ensure food is not flies or mosquitoes that carry the seeds peyakit.

Strive also to avoid unhealthy foods that are oily or purchased on the breakfast menu. For example, you can avoid eating offal while eating porridge. Avoid milk while enjoying the green bean porridge, avoid when eating rice crackers or while eating ketoprak. But, do not forget to familiarize yourself with fried as menu options for breakfast and use of high-calorie cooking oil that are less good.

Now, there's no reason to start the day without breakfast because there were many benefits to be had when we routinely healthy breakfast. It can also be trained to children to get them used to a breakfast that will provide energy for them to attend school activities are solid, helped him concentrate and understand the lesson. So, try to provide a menu of healthy and delicious breakfast that will be enjoyed by all family members.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Cough alert

Cough Causes

Coughing is actually a form of the body is to remove foreign objects that enter the respiratory tract. Foreign object in question could be dust, mucus, or other foreign objects. This is actually a normal reaction and serves to protect ourselves.

Cough is a rough expulsion of air to clean the lungs of harmful substances when the airways began to fail. Coughing can also be a deliberate attempt to clear the throat. However, keep in mind, a cough can spread germs that cause disease.

Common mild cough cough befall us are due a cold or influenza symptoms cough is usually the time the season changes. Coughing is usually not long, after sufficient rest or take medicine freely in the market, the symptoms will subside and disappear.

Cough Causes Disease

However, if the cough does not go away for long periods of time, may cause cough is a disease that needs to be wary of. Such as sneezing, coughing can also spread the disease. Here are some diseases that are characterized by coughing.

TB (Tuberculosis / TB)

This disease attacks the lungs and contagious. It is a deadly disease if not treated immediately or routinely treat. Sufferers will experience a cough that quite often both at the time of day or night. Another feature is that the patient's body thinner. TB not only affects adults, because many found the children who contract the disease.


Asthma is a disease due to a narrowing of the respiratory tract. The trigger can be diverse and different from one person to another. Some asthma triggers are dust, cold air, and smoke. Get to know as much as possible in order to trigger asthma attacks can be prevented in people. Symptoms that usually arises is coughing or shortness of breath will increase at night. This disease is a relapsing disease, it is for people with asthma should always be prepared reliever inhaler respiratory similar to smoked at any time.


Portions were attacked in this disease is the lungs. Commonly known as pneumonia, because if this disease, the lungs become inflamed and infected and lead to the lungs contained water or mucus. In addition to cough, other symptoms are high fever and chills. Immediately consult a doctor or hospital to be addressed.


Pertussis, also known as whooping cough. Cough is caused by bad bacteria that cause lung infections. Characteristics cough continuously for several times and ended with panting breath. Coughing is dangerous to befall a child or baby, as a continuous cough and long may cause them to lack of oxygen. Cough also known as whooping cough or cough is spread when the 100-day splashes nose or mouth of an infected person is about other people which in turn can be infected as well.


The disease is caused by a viral infection of the small airways of the lungs. When exposed to the disease, the patient will cough accompanied by a sound like whistling while breathing.

Do not underestimate experienced coughing constantly. Immediately consult a doctor or hospital to determine more clearly the cause of the cough. Leaving too long without getting proper treatment will worsen the situation of the patient. In addition, most of the diseases that cause the cough is contagious so it can make family members or people who were nearby the disease as well.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

How to Wash Hands Correctly

How the Right Hand Wash
Proper hand washing should use soap and under running water. While the measures proper hand washing technique is as follows.

Wet hands with water under the faucet or running water.
Take just enough liquid soap to the whole hand. It would be better if the soap contains antiseptic.
Rub the palms of your hands.
Rub down to the fingertips.
Palms rubbed the back of his left hand (or vice versa) with interlocking fingers (alternating) between the right and left hand. Rub it between your fingers. Do the opposite.
Put one finger back to back and interlock fingers.
Rub the right thumb with left palm with a circular motion. Do the same with the left thumb.
Rub your palms on the back of the fingers of one hand with the movement forward, backward and turning. Do the opposite.
Hold your right wrist with your left hand and do the twist. Do likewise for the left hand.
Clean the soap from your hands with running water.
Dry your hands using a tissue and when use the faucet, close the faucet with a tissue.
Dry with a tissue better than dry hands using common hand dryer in the mall. Due to a hand dryer that is used generally hold a lot of bacteria that can infect other people.

When washing your hands?
Hand washing is generally done just before eating, before preparing food, after handling raw meat, before and after touching the sick, after using the bathroom, after coughing or sneezing or blowing your nose, after changing diapers or pads, before and after treating wounds, after cleaning or taking out the trash, after touching animals or animal waste.

You should also teach good habits of washing hands to your children are still small. A child excited to learn about and touch everything without knowing what it is dirty or not. Then put his hand into the mouth or eating without washing hands. As a result, the child may suffer from the disease. According to the study, child number 1 killer disease in Indonesia is due to diarrhea, but this can be prevented by teaching children to wash their hands.

Given the importance of washing hands, then each household proclaimed October 15 as World Hand Washing Day. Familiarize yourself and your family to wash their hands now.

Hopefully Helpful ... :)

Migraine alert

This disease affects more females. Migraine is a disease that attacks the brain and cause pain both physically and emotionally. Dilation of blood vessels in the brain and inflammation is one of why the head ache. Although not known for certain causes, generally this disease is an inherited disease.

What you can do is try to prevent attacks of headaches and reduce pain when the attack occurred. Sometimes his attacks are not only attacks one side of the head but it affects both sides of the head.

Before pulse attack the head, the patient will usually experience symptoms such as seeing flashing light or commonly called dizzy, seeing dark spots, wavy, saw the object becomes smaller, sensitive to the sight and sound or tingling in the hands and feet. Emotionally, signs that can be experienced as anxiety, irritability, or stress. These symptoms are not always sure because every migraine sufferer may experience symptoms differently.

Migraine Triggers
One way to avoid migraine attacks is to find out what the cause of the attack. It is important to know the triggers that can cause a migraine attack. Avoiding triggers means the likelihood of migraine. Some triggers of migraines include:

Changes in estrogen
The hormone estrogen found in many women can trigger a migraine. Especially when the estogen amount was not stable, such as before and during menstruation, during pregnancy, use of contraceptives, or if you are undergoing hormone therapy.
Stimulation of the body's senses
The light is too bright, sounds are too loud, or a particular smell that was overpowering as the smell of perfume and cigarette smoke can be a trigger.
Changes in weather
Extreme weather changes or erratic and changes in barometric pressure can trigger migraines.
Unusual sleep schedule
If your sleep patterns are not as usual. For example, a short sleep duration even sleeping too long can make you experience a migraine. If you are new to travel, jet lag can also be a cause.
Exercise or physical activity is more severe than usual to increase the likelihood of migraine.
Food and Drink
The content contained in food and drink can be a trigger. Alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine or caffeine found in coffee should be avoided. Mengkonsusmsi chocolate, old cheese, food that contains MSG or preservatives are also a migraine trigger.
Triggers shown above are some common triggers, but no guarantee is the trigger of migraine triggers your migraines because each person can be different. In order to find out what triggers your migraines, make a note of when the migraine attack, what you eat or drink, what activities are done before you experience a migraine. Record is created every time a migraine attack. By analyzing the records, is expected to know what triggers your migraines.

Prevent Migraine
No doubt, one of the causes of migraine is due to heavy thoughts. For that, try to calm your mind. Perform relaxation of the mind, such as your hobbies, gardening, listening to music or other fun activities for you.

In addition to the mind, physically also need exercise to stay in top shape, regular exercise should be a thing that can not be forgotten. Sports are selected preferably is a sport with a light physical activity, such as walking, aerobics, or cycling.

Good sleep patterns will support health and prevent migraine attacks you. Sleep should be within a reasonable time, the term for an adult should sleep 6-8 hours a day. If possible, you should sleep and wake up at the same time every day.

If you are currently running the hormone therapy, you should discuss this with your doctor in order to be the solution. This is because migraines can be caused by changes in hormone estrogen.

Treating Migraine
The first step to do when a migraine attack is to try to relax and calm the mind. Sleep in a quiet, dark place while trying to relax. You can put ice that has been wrapped in a cloth to put on the back of the head. Then apply gentle massage to the head.

If you frequent migraine, we encourage you to consult a doctor to get proper treatment. In addition, it is also useful to know for sure if you're experiencing headaches are migraine or other headaches because sometimes, diseases of head showing symptoms similar to migraine. Continue to live a healthy lifestyle and avoiding migraine triggers that migraine is not over.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Bicycle Benefits

The results obtained from cycling will especially tighten the bottom like a calf, thigh and hip. Cycling can burn calories by 300 to 700 calories per hour. So, it would be useful for those who want to lose weight. In addition, cycling can increase lung volume by 50% so that oxygen can fit more.

For obese people, cycling is a sport that is recommended for cycling are relatively safe compared to most sports that require running or jumping. Conflicts caused by running or jumping can cause injury to the legs, waist, back for those who are obese due to excess weight makes impact even harder. Cycling is also good for those who have heart disease.

One reason cycling a sport that is interesting is because cycling can be one way of relaxation. Enjoy the scenery in a relaxed and merasakah wind can be one means of recreation is refreshing. So you can be physically fit plus refreshes the mind.

Tips on Buying a Bike

Interested to try cycling? For those of you who do not have a bike, the main step is to buy a bike to use. There are various models of bikes in different sizes. In order to get a comfortable bike, consider the following when choosing a bike that will be purchased:

- Bicycle saddle should be comfortable to sit on and in the right size.
- Choose a bike with saddle height adjusted to your height.
- Saddle should not be too high because it will be difficult when it comes to pedaling can also cause the thighs to the wound.
- Saddle is too low should also be avoided because it makes the legs have to bend too much and make it sore.
- Although bicycle saddle may be elevated and lowered, but make sure that the maximum and minimum height according to your condition.
- Ideally the saddle height and handlebar height parallel bike.

Cycling Tips

In order to gain the maximum benefit and avoid injury, a few things should be considered:

- Make sure that the important parts of the bike such as brakes and tires in a safe condition so it will not interfere with travel or cause accidents.
- To avoid the risk of injury, do a little warm up specifically to stretch muscles such as the lower waist, thighs and calves.
- As an addition to safety while biking, you can mengguunakan pelidung equipment such as helmets, boots, socks, gloves, goggles or other equipment required.
- When you start pedaling, do first with slow speed for 5-10 minutes as a way to warm up and adjust to the bike.
When riding a bike, keep your pedal one full turn.
- The speed is recommended for health is 27 km / h and the wheels 70 revolutions per minute (rpm)
- Finish cycling, do do cooling by pedaling slowly for about 10 minutes.
- In addition to health, using a bicycle can also reduce air pollution caused by motor vehicle use. Fumes can create a polluted environment.
- We recommend using a bike when you need to travel to a place that allows to reach by bicycle.
- In fact, there is also a community named "Bike to Work" using a bicycle to go to work every day.

Seeing the many positive results of cycling, it never hurts to pedal your bike.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Healthy Food For The Baby

Here are foods that should be baby food to stay healthy:

- Fruits
Fruits became a very good first food for babies who start eating. The reason is because the fruit can be eaten without cooking, so the nutrients and enzymes contained in it can be obtained in one piece because it is not through a heating process that can reduce the nutrients in it. Nutrition and natural enzymes readily absorbed by the body, then, is perfect for babies who start eating and digesting food for the first time.

- Baby Porridge
In order for nutrients are met, you can make your own food for your baby. After the age of 6 months, your baby will begin to learn to eat. Provide natural foods, such as carbohydrates obtained from filtered slurry, animal protein derived from red meat or fish, vegetable protein, such as those found in soy beans and green vegetables. The food given to the baby, no need to add salt or sugar, especially flavoring or synthetic dyes.

As a complement, the baby needs milk drink which is mandatory. Best milk for babies is breast milk or breast milk, because it is the milk that is completely natural. Compared with formula that seems to meet the needs of the child, mother's milk is much better.

At first, given a special formula milk for babies whose mothers died in the war so that the babies can not get milk from her mother again, however, now much given formula milk for babies, when in use, infant formula should be treated like a drug. That is, should a doctor's prescription, there are rules of use, and duration of use. This is because the use of infant formula can cause side effects, like drug use. Common side effects are diarrhea caused by infant formula that does not fit.

Formula that claims most expensive formula milk good or whatever, nothing compares with the nutrients found in breast milk. Nutrients in breast milk are very comprehensive and can adjust the baby's needs. So, try to give milk to your baby. Exclusively breastfed, without food and other beverages, given to infants up to 6 months old. Can continue to be breastfed up to the age of 2 years.

Instant food or infant formula can cause side effects for babies whose digestive system is not perfect. Give baby the best food for your beloved baby by providing natural foods such as fruit, porridge, and most importantly, breastfeeding that optimal infant growth.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Liver Function

Human liver has many functions, over 500 liver functions. Some liver function among others neutralize toxins in the body as the organ that controls fats, amino acids and sugars in the blood, fight infection, processed foods that have been completed digested by the small intestine, regulate bile, produce enzymes and proteins that are useful for a variety of processes in the body such as the blood clotting process and repair damaged tissue.

Liver function usually remains will function properly regardless of the age factor. However, some of the "enemy" that can damage the liver, among others due to excessive alcohol consumption, fatty liver and hepatitis virus that attacks the liver. Early detection can save on liver function in order to keep the liver function.

Examination of Liver Function
Examination of liver function generally include Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), Aspartarte aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT or gamma GT), bilirubin, albumin, prothrombin mass inspection (PT) and International Normalised Ratio ( INR).

Each inspection is a guide to see if there is a problem in liver function or not. Want to know the results of the examination of the previously mentioned are:

- Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and Aspartarte aminotransferase (AST)
Examination Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and Aspartarte aminotransferase (AST) aims to determine the inflammation that occurs in the body. High numbers usually indicate a liver disorder. In patients with hepatitis, ALT values ​​20-50 times higher than the normal person. AST high value indicates a disturbance of muscle on one side of the body.

- Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
Examination of Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aims to determine whether there is a blockage in the bile duct.

- Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT or gamma GT)
Examination of Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT or gamma GT), intended as an indicator for alcohol users. GGT examination is usually performed in conjunction with an examination of ALP to ensure that the rise in the ALP because of problems in the heart, not because of other factors.

- Bilirubin
Examination of Bilirubin, aims to determine the level of "yellow fever" due to disruption of the liver. High numbers illustrate that the patients had a common disorder characterized by eye and skin becomes yellow.

- Albumin
Albumin Examination, aims to determine the reduction in albumin levels are common in chronic liver disease. However, decreased albumin can also be caused by lack of protein.

- Mass Prothrombin (PT) and International Normalised Ratio (INR)
Mass Examination Prothrombin (PT) and International Normalised Ratio (INR), intended as an indication of whether liver disease getting worse or not. Increasing numbers indicate chronic disease worse.

If there is suspicion a person has liver cancer, it is necessary to do further tests. For example, examination of the levels of protein in the blood called Alpha fetoprotein (AFP). The increase in the value of AFP shows the severity of cancer that affects the liver, while the decline in the value of AFP showed menjinaknya for successful treatment of cancer. This examination is very important in cancer patients to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment is being done. In patients with biliary cancer, the usual checks are CA 19-9 and CEA.

Routine examination of the liver is very good at making sure that this organ can continue to work optimally. Avoid heartache by doing liver function tests before it's too late.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is another name cinnamon comes from Greek meaning sweet wood. These plants grow on the island of Java. Included in the family Laureceae, cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum zeylanicum or scientific name), trees have a maximum height of 9 meters with bark smooth gray. Spear-shaped leaves with a length of about 20 cm and a width of 5 cm. The leaves are green on top and white on the bottom. Small flowering with white or yellowish forming cluster.

Part of the cinnamon tree which is used is wood inner darker because on the inside smelled the aroma while the outer skin does not smell nice. The inside of the bark will be dried in the sun. As a result, the bark will shape rolls are then cut into 5-8 cm long stalks small or ground into powder form. Forms like these we usually find and used as fragrances and flavor enhancer in foods, beverages or be used as aromatherapy and perfume.

How to eat Cinnamon
Some cinnamon as a way of presenting the food and drink connoisseurs, among others:

- Use the cinnamon stick as a stirrer in a small size hot beverages such as chocolate, hot milk or cereal beverage
- Along with brewed tea.
- Combine cinnamon powder on the cake or add small pieces of cinnamon to decorate your cake.
- Used as a spice in cuisines such as memmbuat rice, pasta, meat or vegetables.

Benefits of Cinnamon
In addition as fragrances and flavor enhancer in foods and beverages, cinnamon or cinnamon has some efficacy to relieve health problems because cinnamon contains manganese, iron and calcium. The benefits to health complaints, such as to lower blood sugar, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, improve memory, relieve muscle and joint pain, solve the problem gums and teeth, mouth sores, relieve headaches, migraine, overcome strep throat, relieve stomach problems and cramps during menstruation and eliminate the problem of bad breath.

You can drink the decoction of grated cinnamon to try to address the health problems that you experience if you do not mix with food or drink. For the problem of sore throat, mouth sores or bad breath, just rinse with boiling water in the ratio ½ teaspoon cinnamon with 1 cup water.

For longer storage, cinnamon in powder form is more appropriate because it can be stored for 6 months, while cinnamon sticks are not for cinnamon in powder form. Cinnamon Keep in a cool, dry and dark.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Hepatitis Alert

The main function of the liver or liver is to filter out the toxins that exist in the blood. In addition, there are about 500 other functions of the liver. If someone is suffering from hepatitis, which is an inflammation of the liver or liver, can destroy the health of the person as a whole because the toxins remain deposited on the blood and impair or interfere with other organs. Another result is a heart that refuses blood flowing into high blood pressure and rupture of blood vessels.

Damage days or liver function can be caused by a person consumes excessive alcohol or because of work overload ingested toxins cause liver and liver become damaged. However, in most cases, hepatitis caused by a virus transmitted hepatitis.

There are 5 types of viral hepatitis are named in alphabetical order. The fifth virus is hepatitis A (VHA), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis D virus (VHD) and hepatitis E (VHE). Viruses are constantly evolving and even thought there are at least three more viruses that can cause hepatitis.

The virus that infects most people are HBV, causes hepatitis B. An estimated 1 in 3 people on earth ever infected. About 350 million live with the virus settles in the body and potentially infecting others. Approximately 78% of people with hepatitis befall the people of Asia and the islands of the Pacific. This virus caused the death of at least 600,000 people per year.

Symptoms of Hepatitis
Some of the common symptoms of hepatitis are pain or pain in the right abdomen, weakness, nausea, fever and diarrhea. In some cases also found to be flu-like symptoms and jaundice which marked the skin and eyes look yellow. However, symptoms of hepatitis are not always apparent, especially in the case of most children.

The virus can move from one patient to healthy people. If the person's immune system is weak, the virus will infect a healthy person's body. Although actually, the virus can be cleaned by human antibodies themselves if their immune system is good.

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A virus commonly found in the feces of patients. The virus can live on the water or ice cubes. The way this virus is spread by drinking contaminated water VHA. It could also be due to eating foods that are not cooked properly so that the virus remains alive in the food or because people are not used to prepare food properly wash your hands first, but maybe there is a virus on the hands of hepatitis A. Not washing your hands after using the toilet also causes the virus exist in human feces is finally moving.

Hepatitis B
Transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV), usually through blood or body fluids such as saliva, vaginal fluid or semen that entered the bloodstream of healthy people. This is due to hepatitis B present in the blood and body fluids. Blood transfusion, blood on the razor, dental care, nail clippers, syringes or needles used for tattooing can move a small amount of blood infected with hepatitis. Even dried blood stains can infect others during the first weeks of the stick on an object. Another way the spread of this virus is carried away from the very womb of a mother who is infected and because of sex.

Hepatitis C
Pengindap hepatitis C is usually transmitted in a way that is similar to hepatitis B infection, but in most people is because of a syringe.

Hepatitis handles
Initial treatment should be immediately done so that patients can be cured, because the slower handled, the virus will further damage the liver and even cancer. However, sometimes because they do not show obvious symptoms, most people do not realize that the body has already dwells viral hepatitis and liver have become damaged.

Vaccinations can be given to someone to get antibodies from viral hepatitis A (VHA) and hepatitis B virus (HBV). However, to hepatitis C there is no vaccine to prevent it. Although one has not indicated this virus but the vaccine can prevent the virus from damaging the liver due to hepatitis symptoms may not begin until many years later. Particular vaccine should be given to children because their immune systems are weaker to clear hepatitis virus than adults.

If the condition of the liver is severely damaged, the choice is to do liver transplantation. However, it will be difficult because the donor liver was less than a waiting list of patients who need care.

Patients with hepatitis should eat nutritious food and sufficient rest so that the body is able to survive the virus and prevent the amount of virus to be more and more health menggeroti sufferers.

Nutrition and good rest must also be met for all, because it could have without our knowledge, the virus infects and attacks the liver or liver. However, the immune system is strong, the body will be able to handle this dangerous viral hepatitis.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Happens When We Sleep

During the sleep cycle we will have two kinds of sleep state is a state of quiet sleep and active sleep state. Quiet sleep is often known as NREM sleep or non-REM (Rapid Eye Movement or No. No Fast Eye Movement).

When a restful sleep or NREM or non-REM sleep, our body will experience a quiet activity. Pulse, respiration and blood pressure body will move more calm and orderly. It is the process by which the body restores the body. The muscles, glands and body composition body repaired. Substances that are not useful will be removed from the body. At the restful sleep also occur incorporation of proteins to be used during active sleep.

In a state of restful sleep or NREM or non-REM sleep, a person will experience 4 stages. Here are the stages that occur when you start to fall asleep.

Lightweight Sleep
The first time someone started to fall asleep, you enter the first stage where you have mild sleep or shallow sleep, where the body will relax the muscles and brain waves will move irregularly. At this stage usually starts when you are drowsy and fall asleep. The first phase lasts for 30 seconds until the first 7 minutes of your sleep.
Actually Sleep
Next, you will enter the second phase is the actual sleep, where brain waves swell, fragments of thoughts and images may appear and move in our minds but we do not realize it, even you are not aware of the situation around you. The second phase lasts for about 20 percent of the time you sleep.
Sleep More Asleep
The third phase of your sleep more soundly. At this stage, your body because it is hard to wake from sleep.
Sleep Terpulas
The fourth stage is the stage of sleep most soundly. At this stage, the brain produces large waves, most of the blood flow to the muscles, a recovery and repair body functions. Growth hormone is produced and the process of growth takes place at this stage. The third and fourth for about 50 percent of the time we sleep.

If when asleep, we can not enter the third and fourth stages, it is likely that we will be waking up feeling tired even depression.
Finish entering the fourth stage, you will experience the first stage again, entering the second stage and beyond. This cycle will be repeated several times. In general, the repetition of this cycle lasts for 3 to 5 times. The duration of one time cycle takes about 90 to 110 minutes.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Food That Can Accelerate Obesity

Food is a major factor of one's body weight. Food can be an ideal body shape, it can also cause obesity in person. For that we must also be good at choosing which foods to eat to get the ideal body weight. So what are the foods most likely to cause obesity?

According to dr Pauline Endang, SpGK of the Faculty of Medicine, the most food makes fat are foods that contain refined sugar and flour. Indeed, not everyone likes to eat rice, but almost everyone likes to snack. Finger foods is the most common cause of obesity. Average finger foods contain lots of sugar and flour. Moreover, coupled with eggs, butter and flavorings meganndung very high calories.

The food was edible portion when exceeding the body needs, it will be converted and cause accumulation in fat cells. If not stopped, there will be a variety of diseases that cause excess weight. But that does not mean with regular exercise can make a person eat at will. The point should be balanced between activity and nutrition.

- Below are some foods that commonly cause obesity.
- Fast food, lack of nutrients but high in fat
- Sugary cereals, calories and high sugar
- Cakes dry / wet, containing high sugar and fat
- Sugary drinks, sugar and calories
- Soda, causing the accumulation of visceral fat in the abdomen
- Crackers, fat and high carbohydrate
- Martabak, sugary and high fat
- Meat containing lard
- Fried, high in fat and kolestro

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

How to Push Up and Benefits

Push ups is lightweight and effective exercise to shrink the stomach. This push-ups to strengthen your arms and abdominal muscles. But push-ups wrong attitude just does not bring any benefit even worse effects on the body. So how does the attitude or position of push-ups right? Here are tips on doing push ups correctly and effectively.

Tips do push ups
1. You should not use a pad or mat while doing push ups. Do it on the floor.
2. Hand position wide on the floor. Foot rests on the tips of your toes, so that the whole body can be supported by straight and perfect.
3. Bend your elbows while exhaling, lower your shoulders to elbows form a 90 degree angle.
4. Then with a sigh, shoulders thrust up her arms as straight as possible, but try not stiff elbow position.
5. Push ups should be done when the stomach is empty, the morning and evening.
6. For beginners are advised to do push-ups two series each day (25 times perseri). Then be increased gradually.


Push up has many benefits for the body, such as the
tighten the muscles
Diligent push ups will tighten the muscles especially the muscles of the arm.
Preventing osteoporosis
Push ups may also strengthen bones thus preventing it from kropos bones or osteoporosis.
long live
A study from the University of Greifswald is done for seven years, showing that diligent doing push ups can increase testosterone levels in the body. Testosterone serves to prevent the risk of diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.
Flatten belly
Push ups are one exercise that is lightweight and free to tackle belly. For those who want flat stomach, let diligently push ups!

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

how to Lose Weight

Many ways to go on a diet to lose weight. Examples like lingering sports, fitness, and even excessive dieting can actually make more stress. But there are prety easy and fun way to lose weight without stressful. Secrets of weight loss is actually a good metabolic performance. Metabolism is the rate the body's ability to burn food that has been consumed. Researchers believe that a good metabolic equivalent results with various diet programs.

If you do not believe, please refer to the people around you who have a proportional body. Most people who have a proportional body seldom do the diet. Metabolism is the key to success is good actually lose weight. Want to have a good metabolism? Here are some fun and easy ways to speed up the metabolic rate in the body.

1. Laugh
Laughing 100 times but the result is equivalent to the energy expenditure of 15 minutes by bicycle. Laughter is useful for reducing stress hormones and can improve a person's metabolism. It also affects the immune system repair / immune system by increasing antibody-producing T cells

2. The cold shower
Researchers say a cold shower can increase metabolism. Low water temperature can cause muscle contraction and body chills, thus increasing one's metabolism.

Actually, the body will try to return to normal temperature when feeling low temperatures. Then the body would warm up and activate the immune system, thus producing more white blood cells.

3. Eating pineapple
Pineapple contains bromelain turns. This substance has a direct function of the digestive system and can help the absorption of nutrients from food. Bromelain in the fruit also improves the function of pancreatic cells to break down nutrients, so as to speed up your metabolism.

4. Drinking green tea
Studies have shown that the catechins contained in green tea may help boost metabolism and reduce body mass index. Green tea is useful for removing LDL (bad cholesterol).

5. Eating spices
Researchers say the chili can help the performance of the body's metabolism. Capsaicin produced by spicy food one is able to oxidize fat layer. Spicy foods can also increase heart rate, producing more energy, so the higher the calories burned.

5 tips above useful to increase metabolism. But keep in mind, exercise and eat nutritious food remains a critical factor levels of a person's weight.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Foods To Increase Height

Ideal height is everyone's dream. Many people exercise, taking medication improvement body, to perform the operation to get the ideal height. Growth usually be stopped after the age of 21-25 years in men. Then for her growth stopped at the age of 21 years. For those who are still in its infancy, how the hell in order to get the ideal height? Here are 3 types of food to help elevate the body.

1. Food Protein

Protein helps helps stimulate muscle growth and fat tissue. Protein is essential for the growth process in the future. Children between the ages 1-3 years need 13 grams of protein per day, and children aged 4-8 years need 19 grams per day. Children aged 9-13 years need 34 grams. 52 grams for young men and 46 grams for young women.

The body needs protein even though it still is over the age of growth for building cells that have been damaged. Adult women need about 46 grams of protein and men need about 56 grams per day.

Foods containing protein, such as meat ie chicken, beef and fish. Then milk, nuts and eggs.

2. Fruit and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain minerals and vitamins that the body needs to maintain health and stimulate the growth of the body.

3. Milk and grain

The body really needs calcium in the growth process. Because the bones are very strong effect on height. Children ages 2-3 years need 1 cup of milk every day and children ages 4-8 need 1.5 cups of milk. While teens and young adults need 3 cups of milk each day.

While the seeds contain energei the body needs to grow. Grains such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread and brown rice.

Learn more about height please consult a natural way to increase height here

So how do I calculate the ideal height. Here is the formula

Weight + 110 = high ideal

Suppose a man has a height 167 cm and weight 60 kg. Calculations are

60 + 110 = 170

Tolerance is more or less than 5cm. If he has a height 167 cm, meaning it includes having the ideal height.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Pare Benefits For Health

Most people do not like to pare it tastes bitter. However, there are many benefits pare one can be an antidote to the cancer cells. Research in Japan proven efficacy pare proven to stop cancer cells in the body.

In that study, they used mice that were then injected cancer cells. After the mice were injected with extracts of bitter melon. They observed the development of cancer cells in these mice, and the results of cancer cells in mice stopped growing.
Prevent Growth of Cancer Cells
Inside there is a substance called pare lesichin that serves to strengthen the immune system so as to prevent the growth of cancer cells. So pare themselves be consumed by healthy people to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.
Pare Benefits For Health

Aside from being an antidote to the cancer cells, the other benefits of bitter melon is to lower blood sugar levels due to insulin substance in the plant's Latin name Momordica charantia. These substances play a role in helping reform process glucose into energy.
Strengthening the Immune System
Pare also contains many useful vitamin C to strengthen the immune system to prevent wrinkles on the face, and protect against ultra violet rays. Additionally carotene compounds in these vegetables are also very good for maintaining eye health.

In addition, based on the results of another study by one of the researchers in Japan, the benefits of bitter melon is also very good for menangakal pare many free radicals as it contains anti-oxidants. How now you're interested in taking pare?

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Apparently cactus sap to purify water

Behind the sharp thorns and unpretentious appearance, cactus is a plant that is very useful. One way to purify water, as is done by the people of Latin America since ancient times.

In ancient times, the natives use the decoction of the leaves Mexican cactus to purify dirty river water before it is processed into drinking water. Soil particles and other debris that settles immediately mixed with cooked cactus.

Behavior of the Mexican population was then examined by Norma Alcantar, a biochemical engineer from the University of South Florida. Incidentally, Norma itself is a native of Mexican descent who inhabit Latin America.

"When boiled cactus, which came out the sap is mucilago thick and sticky like glue," said Norma, quoted by Discovery, Wednesday (18/08/2010).

For cacti, mucilago a protective barrier against the sun. This substance prevents the evaporation of water from the cactus, so this plant can survive in environments that lack of water like a desert.

When mixed with dirty water, mucilago composed of sugars and carbohydrates that bind the fine particles that pollute the water. Bond is then coagulates, making it easy to separate from the clean water.

She also examines how mucilago it clears the water of arsenic, harmful pollutants from industrial and agricultural wastes. Arsenic can cause cancer could also be bound by mucilago, a molecule large enough to be filtered by the sand.

Not only that, mucilago can also kill the bacteria that is one of the harmful pollutants in drinking water. Not yet known exactly how the mechanism, but Norma claims mucilago can produce a 98 percent water free of bacteria.

Based on these studies, Norma developed a water purification system that uses filters containing mucilago. Very economical because mucilago a leaf of fresh prickly pear cactus type (prickly pear cactus) is wide enough to purify water to meet the drinking needs of the family for 5 weeks.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

The Active Kids Will Have More Powerful Memory

If you want to have a smart and intelligent at school, then teach sports and other vigorous activities since early childhood. Studies prove physical activity can increase the level of intelligence and memory.

The team of scientists from the United States have used the scanner (brain scan) to show that the area of ​​the brain is really developing in line with a given physical activity in children.

This study shows that children who are active and fit tend to be more intelligent and have better memory than children who rarely perform physical activity.

Scientists found that in children fit, one of the most important parts of the brain apparently 12 percent greater than children who did not fit. Scientists believe that the teaching of physical activity from an early age will help improve academic performance in school children.

Researchers from the University of Illinois, USA, studied the brain 49 children aged 9-10 years using MRI scans, which is a technique that delivers highly detailed images of organs and tissues in the body.

Researchers then tested the children's physical fitness levels by asking him to walk on a treadmill. The result, researchers found that the hippocampus (the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning abilities) fit children 12 percent more than other children.

"These findings will bring positive implications for encouraging parents to teach sport to children from a young age," said Professor Art Kramer, who led the study, as quoted from Dailymail, Friday (17/09/2010).

According to Professor Kramer, although genes, environmental factors and socioeconomic status can affect brain development but physical activity at an early age has a major influence on brain development.

"These findings could prove, although you get some bad genes from their parents, but with physical activity also can still help brain development," added Prof Kramer.

These findings may also encourage parents and schools to make exercise more of a priority for children at a young age.

These findings have been published in the journal Brain Research.

Hopefully Helpful,,, :)

Apparently Cold Air Can Make Being Hungry stomach

The rain that fell throughout the day making the air temperature to cool, especially when coupled with the air conditioner (AC). Not a few people who often feel hungry when cold air. Why is that?

The cold air that make people hungry air temperature is well below the normal temperature of the human body.

Reporting from Paktribune, Wednesday (22/09/2010), when cold air hunger triggered by changes in body temperature. By the time the air temperature is cooler than the surrounding temperature, the body will try to menormalkannya.

To normalize the temperature changes, the required fuel or energy. Therefore, if you are in a cold area of ​​the body will burn energy faster so as to make people quickly feel hungry.

The burning energy that will quickly make your body sends hunger signals. This will make someone eat with gusto while in cold regions or during winter.

The same thing happens when someone finished swimming. This is because the water used for swimming is usually colder than the air around.

Immersing the body in the cold water will lower body temperature. Thus, when someone came out of the pool or the air temperature is hotter, the body will attempt to menormalkannya.

A good way to cope with temperature changes in the body is to do some light stretching, walking fast or touch the warm water.

Hopefully Helpful ... :)

Hidden Energy of Lightning

A flash of lightning produces more electricity than that produced America.

At night, in heavy rain, the sky suddenly lit up, shortly followed by a thunderous sound. Do you know how incredible lightning illuminating the sky up? Do you know how much light it emits? Or how much heat it releases?

A flash of lightning is a bright light that formed during electrical discharge in the atmosphere during rain storms. Lightning can occur when the voltage at two separate points in the atmosphere - is still in the clouds, or between clouds and the ground surface, or between two ground level - reached a high level.

Lightning occurs in the form of at least two strikes. At the first stroke of negative charge (-) flows from the cloud to the ground. This is not a very bright flash. A number of branching lightning can usually be seen spreading out from the main flash point. When a lightning strike the ground first, an opposite charge is formed at the point to be grabbed and flow of both positively charged lightning is formed from the primary flash point directly towards the cloud. Two lightning usually collided about 50 meters above the ground. Short circuit is formed at the meeting point between the cloud and the surface of the land, and the result is an electric current is very strong and light flow from the main flash point it toward the clouds. The difference in electric voltage between the cloud and the ground surface exceeds several million volts.

The energy released by a lightning strike is greater than that generated by all power plants in the United States. The temperature at the point where the lightning is formed can reach 10,000 degrees Celsius. The temperature in the furnace to melt iron is between 1050 and 1100 degrees Celsius. The heat generated by the smallest lightning can reach 10 times that. This incredible hot means that lightning can easily burn and destroy all the elements that exist on earth.

Other comparisons, the surface temperature of 700,000 degrees Celsius solar height. In other words, the temperature of lightning is 1/70 of the sun's surface temperature. Light issued by lightning brighter than the light of 10 million incandescent light bulbs 100 watt power. For comparison, a flash of lightning illuminates sekelilinginya more clearly than when one light bulb lit in every house in Istanbul. God draws attention to the extraordinary luster of lightning is in the Qur'an,

"... Highlights cloud lightning almost eliminates vision." (Surat An Nuur, 24:43)

Flashes very quickly formed down to earth with a speed of 96,000 km / h. The first strike or reach the meeting point of the earth surface within 20 milliseconds, and struck the opposite direction to the cloud within 70 microseconds. Overall the lightning lasted up to half a second.

The sound of thunder that followed caused by sudden heating of the air around the lightning path. As a result, the air expands at speeds exceeding the speed of sound, though the waves kejutnya return to normal sound waves in the range of a few meters. Sound waves are formed following atmospheric air and surface shape afterwards. That is the reason for the thunder and lightning after the other.

When we contemplate all about lightning, we can understand that the events of this nature is something amazing. How does an incredible power that comes from a kind of positively and negatively charged particles, which are invisible to the naked eye, showed that lightning was created intentionally. Furthermore, the fact that the molecules of nitrogen, which is essential for plants, emerge from these forces, once again proving that lightning is created with a special wisdom.

God specifically draws attention to the lightning is in the Qur'an. Meaning Ra'd Ar letter, one letter of the Qur'an, the real is "Thunder". In these verses about lightning Allah says He brings lightning in humans as a source of fear and hope. God also said that thunder that comes when lightning struck the praise hymn. God has created a number of signs for us to lightning. We are obliged to think and be thankful that thunder, you may have never thought this thorough and a lot of people that cause feelings of fear and hope in man, is a means by which the fear of God grew and were sent by him for the particular purpose as He wills .

Hopefully Helpful ... :)

Secrets of Wing On Insects

How a Ganjur able to flap its wings 1000 times per second? How can a flea jump as far as a hundred times the size of his height? Why a butterfly flapping its wings to fly forward while up and down?

Flies are one of the animals mentioned in the Qur'an, as only one of many animals that reveal the infinite knowledge of our Lord. Allah the Almighty says about this in verse 73 of Al Hajj: "O mankind! Has created a parable. So listen! Surely all you call upon besides Allah can not create a fly, though they banded together to create it. And if the fly snatch anything from them, they will not be able to retake it from the fly. As weak as the worship and the worship. "(Qur'an, 22:73)

Although recent research has been done, despite all the technology God has given to man, so many of the characteristics of living things that still keep the sides of the marvelous. As in all things that God has created, in the body of a fly shows abundant evidence of supreme knowledge. By reviewing the details, anyone who thought it would be able to once again contemplate the deep admiration of God and obedience to Him.

A number of studies have been conducted by scientists on the flight of flies and other small insects are described below. The conclusion emerging from this is that no random power, try or entity other than Allah is able to create even a fly hassle.

Flight muscles of many insects such as grasshoppers and dragonflies shrink very strong due to the stimulus that caused the nerves that control her every move. In the locust, for example, the signals sent by each nerve causing the flight muscles. By working alternately, not against each other, two complementary muscle groups, called elevators (lifter) and depresor (lowering), allowing the wings to rise up and beat down. Grasshoppers flap their wings 12 to 15 times per second, and to be able to fly the smaller insects have to flap their wings faster. Honey bees, wasps and flies beat their wings 200 to 400 times per second, and the Ganjur and a number of harmful insects measuring just 1 millimeter (0.03 inches), the speed is increased to an astounding 1,000 times per second! Flapping wings too quickly to be seen by human eyes have been created with a special design in order to do work of this kind constantly.

A nerve is able to send at most 200 signals per second. So how did a small insect capable of flapping their wings 1000 times per second? Research has proven that in these insects, there is a one-to-one between the signals from the nerves and fluttering number per unit time.

In this particular device, which each made separately in each of insect body, found not the slightest irregularity. The nerves never send the wrong signal, and the muscles of insects always interpret them correctly.

In such type of flies and bees, the muscles that allow flight was not even attached to the base of the wing! Instead, these muscles are attached to the chest with a hook that acts like a hinge, while the muscles that lift the wing attached to the top surface of the upper and lower chest. When these muscles contract, the surface of a flat chest and pull down the wing base. Surface side wings provide backstop role allowing the wings to rise. Muscles that downward movement is not attached directly to the wing, but work along the chest. When these muscles contract, the chest drawn back in the opposite direction, and in this way immovable wing down.

The wing joint is composed of a special protein known as resilin, which has an incredible resilience. Because it is far ahead of natural or synthetic rubber, chemical engineers are trying to reproduce this material, in the laboratory. When flexing and contracting, resilin able to store almost all of the energy applied to it, and when the pressing force is removed, resilin is able to restore the overall energy. As a result, the efficiency (efficiency) resilin can reach 96%. When the wing is raised, approximately 85% of the energy expended is stored for later; same energy is then reused in the downward movement that provides lift to the top and push the insect forward. The surface of the chest and the muscles have been created with a special design to allow for the collection of this energy. However, the energy is actually stored in the joints consist of resilin. It is certainly impossible for an insect, by his own, equip yourself with the tools amazing to fly. Intelligence and the power of the infinite God has created this special resilin in insects.

For a smooth flight, move straight up and down is not enough. In order to raise the lift and thrust, the wing must also change the angle of movement in each flap. The wings of insects have a particular rotational flexibility, depending on the species, which is made possible by the so-called direct flight muscles (muscle-fly wheel), abbreviated DFM generating the forces necessary for flight.

When the insect seeks rise higher in the air, they expand their wings angle contracts the muscles of the wing hinges are stronger. High-speed image recording and stop-motion show that during the flight, the wings move follows an elliptical and for every round of the wing, the angle changed regularly. This change is due to the ever-changing movement of the muscle-flying rudder and wing attachment on the body.

The biggest problem faced by very small insects while flying is air resistance. For them, the air density becomes an obstacle that can not be underestimated. Moreover, inhibiting layer around the wing causes the air attached to the wing and reduces the usefulness (efficiency) flying. In order to overcome air resistance, as Forcipomya insects, whose wings are no more than 1 millimeter, must beat 1000 times per second.

Scientists believe that in theory, this speed is not enough to withstand even the insects are still in the air, and they must employ other enhancements. In fact, Anarsia, a type of harmful insects, using a method known as 'beat and shake' (pack and shake). When the wings reach the highest point in the upward movement, the wings flapping and then open each other down again. At the wings (the blood vessel network) open, forming a vortex front airflow around the wings and the wings help lift.

Many types of insects, including grasshoppers, pay attention to what is captured vision like a line of the horizon (horizon) to determine the direction of flight and its final destination. To shore up its balance position, flies have been created with a design that more remarkable. These flies have only one pair of wings, but on the back side of each wing there is a circular protrusion known as halter (straitjacket). Although not produce lift, restraint is vibrating with the front wings. At insects change the direction of flight, wing bulges prevent stray from the path of travel.

The entire knowledge presented here results from a study of proficiency flying three or four species of insects alone. Please note that all kinds of insects on earth amounted to about 10 million. Considering all remaining millions of species, along with countless features it has, someone definitely growing admiration for the greatness of God's infinite.

Troubleshooting for Venous Disorders of Gen Lice

Scientists have managed to separate the resilin gene from fruit flies and managed to reproduce this protein naturally with the gene into the bacterium Escherichia coli.

In a study done by the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), (Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, the Commonwealth of Australia), the scientists were able to find the gene that produces insect resilin also find terrific polymers that may be useful in the treatment of vein diseases. Assessment in the beginning of the 1960s, which focused on desert locusts and dragonflies, is a strong incentive to promote this important stage.

Resilin, which also provides the ability to make the leap ticks incredible, grasshoppers and dragonflies complete desert, as well as other insects skill moves that surprised. Thanks to these substances, fleas can jump a hundred times its own body height and a fly can flap its wings over 200 times per second.

Protein derived from resilin is much better than the highest quality rubber products in terms of its ability to withstand the pressure and return to its former shape. Ongoing research on artificial resilin protein showed that they still have these traits.

The scientists expressed confidence that the polymer obtained from cloning insects' genes can be employed in a variety of very different fields, from medicine to industry. However, perhaps the most important of these applications is the handling of arterial disease in humans. Because resilin protein resembling elastin in human veins, the scientists hope that their research will give veins with renewed elasticity.

British Professor Roger Greenhalgh states that "Research [resilin] seems to be at a very early stage, but if we can take something good out of the elasticity of the flea that benefits humans, it will be very memorable."

Hopefully Helpful ... :)

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